Dear Indiana, Tom Wheeler, the president's newly appointed FCC chair, recently proposed rules that would allow Internet service providers (ISPs) to divide the Internet into fast lanes for wealthy corporations and slow lanes for the rest of us. If adopted, these rules would amount to nothing less than the corporate takeover of the Internet and the death of Net Neutrality. However, because of a massive public backlash from open Internet supporters like you, Chairman Wheeler was forced to keep the door open for the change we really need -- reclassifying the Internet as a public utility, which is the only way to establish Net Neutrality regulations with teeth. The FCC is now accepting public comments on this proposal, but the current comment period ends on July 15. We need to make sure Chairman Wheeler and the rest of the FCC commissioners feel overwhelming pressure from the public to take the necessary step of reclassifying the Internet as a public utility. Click here to submit a public comment today. Net Neutrality is important because the Internet is an essential service Americans rely on to conduct our most basic daily affairs, from applying for a job to finding a home, to running a small business. And our right to communicate freely and be heard lies at the heart of our ability to participate equally in our democracy. A string of federal court cases has made it abundantly clear that the FCC has the power to enforce strong Net Neutrality rules, but only if the FCC goes through the process of undoing a terrible Bush-era decision to deregulate broadband instead of treating it like the vital public utility it has become. Chairman Wheeler says that he wants to preserve the open Internet. But his proposal explicitly states a preference for not reclassifying broadband -- the one and only thing that will allow the FCC to protect Net Neutrality and ban discrimination on the Internet. The public can't be silent in the face of this. You can bet that Chairman Wheeler will be hearing from the army of lobbyists who work for the big telecoms intent on destroying Net Neutrality. We need to make sure he also hears from us. Don't delay. Click the link below to submit a public comment today. Thank you for speaking out to stop the corporate takeover of the Internet. Becky Bond, Political Director CREDO Action from Working Assets Add your name: Learn more about this campaign |
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