

Grow Your Business at the Professional Solutions Workshop!



This one-day workshop will give you the tools to really take your sublimation business to the next level!


We'll discuss the economics of going wide and why that makes sense for your bottom line. We will also show you the nuts and bolts of moving to the wide format printing technology available from showing you the basics of color management and working with a RIP and color profiles, choosing the right heat press for your needs, how to create all over decorations on garments and what pitfalls to avoid to make you successful. Plus, you'll get plenty of time to get hands-on and use a RIP, select the color profile, create all over garments, socks and more.


This great opportunity gives you the chance to work with our wide format staff for a day full of professional solutions training (and we'll feed you lunch!). Only 20 spaces are available to ensure that this event can provide a detailed education to all attendees, so sign up today!


Date: September 12th


Time: 9am - 3pm


Where: Coastal Business Supplies


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