

Hangout with SBA Administrator | New Online Biz Courses | Considered a Real Estate Line of Credit?

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Ask the SBA Administrator

Live Online Event with Google Small Business Community

Maria Contreras-Sweet

SBA Administrator Maria Contreras-Sweet will be answering your questions live during a Hangout on Air in the Google Small Business Community. Want to learn how the SBA can help you start and grow your business?

Join us to find out on Wednesday, August 27 at 4:30 PM ET / 1:30 PM PT

> Click to RSVP & Submit Your Questions

Keeping SCORE: 10.5 Million Entrepreneurs Served

For half a century, thousands of seasoned American executives and retired business owners have provided pro bono consulting services to 10.5 million American entrepreneurs. SBA Administrator Maria Contreras-Sweet remarks on the 50 years of these volunteers' contributions through SCORE.

> Read more

Three NEW Free Online Training Business Courses 

  • Strategic Planning for Small Businesses 
    Are you looking for tools to create a successful strategic plan that will help improve your business's success? This course will explain the difference between strategic planning and other types of planning and describe the typical steps in the strategic planning process.

  • Savings Plans for Small Businesses
    Do you have a savings plan for your business? Take this course to learn how life events, retirement and even taxes play a role in developing a savings plan. 
  • Selling Your Business
    If you are in the process of selling or closing your business, then this course is for you. Topics covered include defining a business exit strategy, transferring ownership of a business, steps to closing a business, and preparing a sales agreement. 


      Free Affordable Care Act 101 webinar covering healthcare reform and your small business hosted by SBA and Small Business Majority. Click to RSVP today

      Affordable Care Act 101 Webinars

      SBA and Small Business Majority will continue to host free Affordable Care Act 101 weekly webinars so small business owners can learn the basics of the Affordable Care Act and how they can enroll in health insurance marketplaces.

      In addition, Spanish-speaking small employers throughout the country can join representatives from SBA, HHS and Small Business Majority for ACA 101 webinars in Spanish. Below are the registration links for the upcoming Spanish-language webinars, which will be held every other Tuesday throughout the summer and fall. 


      Why a Real Estate Line of Credit is a Smart Choice for Investors

      As a real estate investor, putting together a variety of financing tools at your disposal is a key component for executing your deals. One popular type of real estate financing method is using a real estate line of credit. Here's what you should know.

      > Read more


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      This email was sent to ignoble.experiment@arconati.us by Small Business Administration (SBA) · 409 3rd St, SW · Washington DC 20416 · 1-800-827-5722 Powered by GovDelivery

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