



The Marmot That Stopped Time

Posted: 17 Aug 2014 04:00 AM PDT

(YouTube link)

Greenpeace was working on a video about coal mining on public lands, which features a time-lapse nature sequence. Filming such a sequence doesn’t always go smoothly, though. This one was photobombed by a marmot, who not only screwed up the possibility of converting the video to a time-lapse, but also got so friendly with the camera that it was knocked off balance! That’s a good marmot. -via Metafilter

Sleepy Bird

Posted: 17 Aug 2014 02:00 AM PDT

(Photo: Molaire & Tentacules)

At the end of a long day, the topiary laid back and slept.

I'm having trouble determining the origin of this bush, but I gather that it is located in Le Jardin de Plantes, a botanical garden in Paris. It may have been inspired by the work of the children's book illustrator Claude Ponti.

-via Lustik

27 Photos That Show The Transformative Power Of Makeup

Posted: 17 Aug 2014 12:00 AM PDT

(Image Via Imgur)

Using makeup seems like a ridiculous habit to some, a must before leaving the house to others, and although everyone can agree that Halloween/special effects style makeup is really cool looking, not everyone sees eye-to-eye on the idea of covering your true face with a bunch of cosmetics.

(Image Via Dailymail)

Makeup is a powerful tool for visually altering or enhancing facial features, and The San Francisco Globe's article 27 Photos That Demonstrate The Power Of Makeup clearly shows how makeup artists earn their artist title- by creating some rather incredible facial transformations.

(Image Via Tina Yong)

So, whether you think wearing makeup is fun and necessary, or a total waste of time and effort, these photos clearly demonstrate why so many people still wear makeup every day, and why some feel naked leaving home without it.

Guide to the Alien Species of <i> Star Trek</i>

Posted: 16 Aug 2014 11:00 PM PDT

YouTube Link

With all of the presentations in the Star Trek franchise, it can be a stretch for the more soft-core Trek fans to stay ahead of the game. Neil Cicierega comes to the rescue with this video guide to end Star Trek alien species confusion. Via The Presurfer.

Drivers Claimed That They Didn't See the Giant Safety Cone Crossing the Street

Posted: 16 Aug 2014 10:00 PM PDT

(Photo: Riverside County Sheriff)

Police in Riverside County, California, would to remind drivers that they should stop when pedestrians are crossing the crosswalk. It's the law and an essential safety procedure.

To illustrate the importance of this traffic law, one undercover officer dressed in a huge orange safety cone costume. They pulled over and ticketed drivers who drove through the crosswalk without stopping while the cone was crossing. Some of the drivers they cited claimed that they never saw the giant walking safety cone.

This was not the first time that police performed a sting operation like this. The safety cone costume is, though, a new addition:

Officers had specifically selected a high-profile outfit because motorists cited in past operations complained the undercover officer was not visible.

-via Nothing to Do with Aborath

Shark Cat Returns With Shark Baby

Posted: 16 Aug 2014 09:00 PM PDT

YouTube Link

Max-Arthur, also known to his beloved Internet as Shark Cat, has had many adventures in his time. He pioneered Roomba surfing. He went Roomba riding in pursuit of a duck. He's been immortalized in Lego and even has his own theme song. I'm surprised Barbara Walters hasn't emerged from retirement to interview this feline legend.

But if Walters did come out of the shadows to pose meaningful questions to Max-Arthur, I imagine one would be, "You've done it all Shark Cat  what's next?" The likely answer? In honor of Shark week, Max-Arthur has teamed up with an as yet unnamed shark baby. Baby looks cute and serves as a representative of Shark Cat's enthralled audience. And all is right with the Internet. Via Tasstefully Offensive.

Mr. J's Plastic Surgery - Why So Seriously Injured?

Posted: 16 Aug 2014 08:00 PM PDT

Mr. J's Plastic Surgery by TinBot

We're proud to announce that your favorite clown prince of crime is now serving up facial reconstruction surgery with a smile, thanks to the new Mr. J's Plastic Surgery clinic! Let nurse Harley sit you down and knock you out with her amazing nursing skills, then Doctor Mr. J will grab his trusty medical hammer and put a smile on your face....for good!

Advertise your new favorite medical clinic with this Mr. J's Plastic Surgery t-shirt by TinBot and show the world your (maniacal) smile!

Visit TinBot's Facebook fan page, official website, Tumblr and Twitter, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more crazy cool designs:

SLUUURRP!When I Grow UpLil' Buddy ChimichangaYou! Get Out!

View more designs by TinBot | More Funny T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Megalodon Attack

Posted: 16 Aug 2014 08:00 PM PDT

Remember when you were a kid and watched Batman and Superman on TV and tied a towel around your shoulders for a cape and pretended you were a superhero? Liz Climo’s latest comic shows us how TV can influence our fantasies. Or mthe honor of having a week named after you just goes to one’s head. She had another ominous shark comic a day earlier.  

Celebrating Bukowski's Birthday With R. Crumb's Illustrations of His Books

Posted: 16 Aug 2014 07:00 PM PDT

Today is Charles Bukowski's birthday. The celebrated poet and novelist would have been 94 today, August 16th. What better way to honor the larger-than-life writer's birthday than to feature larger-than-life artist Robert Crumb's illustrations of Bukowski books Bring Me Your Love and There’s No Business, as well as a 1998 posthumously published collection of his journals, entitled The Captain is Out to Lunch. Via Brain PIckings.


Eighteen Things You Probably Didn't Know About Poop

Posted: 16 Aug 2014 06:00 PM PDT

The “things you didn’t know about…” lists everyone loves to read have finally reached the bottom of the bowl, and now we’re exploring facts about that thing that everybody does, but nobody ever wants to talk about in public- poop.

That’s right folks, this here’s a list of facts about that bodily function we all blush about, eighteen useful tidbits of information that may gross out some folks but are nevertheless really interesting and worth knowing about.

Did you know that coprolites, aka fossilized feces, are considered the "next frontier of paleontology", or that bookstores make some people want to "adjourn to the study", and no one's really sure why?

Read the rest of these fascinating fecal facts at io9

Patriotic Cat Stands for National Anthem

Posted: 16 Aug 2014 05:00 PM PDT

(Video Link)

When the Russian national anthem begins playing on the phone, this cat knows exactly what to do. He stands erect on his back paws and remains respectfully still.

-via Jonah Goldberg

Ten Creepy Things Superheroes Have Done, No. 9: <br>Superman Does Porn

Posted: 16 Aug 2014 04:00 PM PDT

Remember that time Superman made a pornographic film? No? Well, gather 'round the campfire, comic lovers. I have a story to tell. Or, rather, John Byrne had a story to tell. He was hired to reinvent the Superman character in the 1980s.

Action Comics number 593 in October of 1987 found Superman and super heroine Big Barda being brainwashed by a villain named Sleez. While readers weren't "treated" to the on-set action to see whether the Man of Steel really was faster than a speeding bullet, they did get to see the (obviously dismayed) reaction of Big Barda's husband. Great Scott!

See nine more examples of superhero follies here.  Image: DC Comics.

Mrs. Flexer’s Surprise Party

Posted: 16 Aug 2014 03:00 PM PDT

(YouTube link)

After 41 years, first-grade teacher Mrs. Flexer is retiring. That’s 41 years of little kids she’s influenced, and they love her. With the help of the production team behind Kid President, former students of all ages gathered to honor Mrs. Flexer with a surprise party. They gave testimonials of of how their teacher inspired them to future success. You can’t watch this without getting at least a little choked up. How many of us will be able to retire and see how many lives we’ve influenced for the better? -via Viral Viral Videos  

This Terrifying Worm Leaps at You out of the Ocean Floor

Posted: 16 Aug 2014 02:00 PM PDT

This is the Eunice aphroditois, a worm found in the depths of warm ocean waters across the world. It lives at depths of about 10 to 40 meters. The Eunice aphroditois burrows into the ocean floor, where it lies in wait for prey to swim by. Five antennas poke out from the anterior, sensing passing movement.

(Video Link)

When the worm detects prey--a fish or another worm--it leaps from its burrow, seizing the prey with sharp mandibles.

Most of these worms are about 1 meter long, but they have been found as long as 3 meters. Although they can't consume an entire human body, they have been known to bite as people who stray too close.

(Photo: Jenny Huang)

-via io9

20 Delightfully Weird Forms of Sushi

Posted: 16 Aug 2014 01:00 PM PDT

Good sushi prepared fresh by a skilled chef is a mouth-watering treat. Usually you're eating variations of fish, rice, and seaweed. But you're not limited to just those ingredients. For example, you can try these tiny sushi cheeseburgers.

Or if you'd like something sweet for breakfast, then try Dan's waffle breakfast sushi rolls. They're made of pizzelles filled with strawberries, bananas, pineapple, and cream cheese.

If it's St. Patrick's Day, then make Irish sushi. Joy of the food blog The Cooking of Joy (clever title) made hers with cabbage leaves wrapped around mashed potatoes and corned beef.

These are just 3 meals from a list of 20 unusual takes on sushi rounded up at Rocket News 24. I'd like to try them all!

Action Comics #1 on Ebay

Posted: 16 Aug 2014 12:00 PM PDT

(YouTube link)

A pristine issue of Action Comics #1 from June of 1938, featuring the debut of a new superhero named Superman, is up for auction at eBay, with proceeds going to the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation. Want it? The current bid is $1,750,100, and there’s more than a week left before the auction ends. Good lulck! -via Boing Boing

Adorable Doghouses Look Like Camping Trailers

Posted: 16 Aug 2014 11:00 AM PDT

Your dog may not be ready to hit the open road, but you can get him ready for camping with a doghouse from Straight Line Designs (warning: auto-play video). Judson Beaumont is the designer responsible. We've previously seen his cleverandfunny human furniture designs. Now he's turning the same sense of whimsy to man's best friend.

Beaumont came up with the concept when his daughter asked him to build a doghouse. Now he offers a line of 4 trailer designs for dogs that weigh up to 20 pounds. Each doghouse costs about $800.

-via My Modern Met

Spiderscape - See The City Through The Eyes Of A Webhead

Posted: 16 Aug 2014 10:00 AM PDT

Spiderscape by Sophiedoodle

Sometimes swinging around the city can make life feel like a video game, or some kind of minimalist artwork where the whole world appears far flatter than it actually is, but it's all just a trick of the mind. What's the point of having a spider sense if you don't listen to it? Still, Spidey felt like there was something hanging over him, like he was living in the shadow of something greater, so he decided to patrol the city and clear his mind...

Navigate the urban jungle in style with this Spiderscape t-shirt by Sophiedoodle, it's the swingin'-est way to salute your friendly neighborhood webhead!

Visit Sophiedoodle's Facebook fan page, official website, Twitter and Tumblr, then head on over to her NeatoShop for more superpowered designs:

Bert Holmes and Ernie WatsonI Arc Iron ManInfinite Space And BeyondLimp Along and Fester

View more designs by Sophiedoodle | More Funny T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Do You Recognize This Mime?

Posted: 16 Aug 2014 10:00 AM PDT

(Images Via Daniel Sorine)

In the summer of 1974 a young photographer named Daniel Sorine was out shooting photos in Central Park, New York when he came across two rather compelling mimes.

He began to snap away as the duo went about their mimey business, but it wasn't until 35 years later that Daniel realized he had captured images of a then unknown comedian named Robin Williams.

Here's what Daniel has to say about that fateful shoot:

“What attracted me to Robin Williams and his fellow mime, Todd Oppenheimer, was an unusual amount of intensity, personality and physical fluidity,” Sorine tells us. “When I approached them with my Pentax Spotmatic they allowed me to invite them into my camera instead of me having to chase after them.”

According to one commentor hundreds of people saw Robin and Todd perform that summer, because they used to do their act on the steps of the Metropolitan Museum of Art on 5th Avenue, and yet no one in attendance could have foreseen how iconic this comedian in clown white would become.

-Via PetaPixel

Twerking Isn't Appropriate For All Audiences

Posted: 16 Aug 2014 09:00 AM PDT

Twerking has gone from an obscure club dance to common knowledge, and while schools decide whether it should be allowed at dances, parents decide whether their kids should be allowed to twerk it up, and law enforcement officials decide whether twerking in public is actually a crime, this happened:

(Video Link)

It's a crying shame that such a perfect twerking performance was wasted on kids who can't appreciate the subtleties of the dance, but something tells me this group was booked by mistake...

-Via The Soup

Paleontologists in Peril

Posted: 16 Aug 2014 08:00 AM PDT

Do you recall a couple of years ago when Lee Hall proposed to Ashley Fragomeni by re-enacting a scene from Jurassic Park? It was very appropriate, as they are both paleontologists. They had a Jurassic Park-themed wedding, too! One of the wedding gifts they received was this custom illustration from their friend, artist Britt Sanders. See it full-size at Imgur. It looks just like them, doesn’t it? -via reddit

J'adore Paris

Posted: 16 Aug 2014 07:00 AM PDT

Vimeo Link

Ah, Paris. A city so stunning, it really does live up to the hype. British photographer Paul Richardson shot the footage in this time-lapse video during a vacation to the city of light. It was his first visit to Paris, and like many visitors, he proceeded to fall in love. He writes,

"I had never visited the city before, and was quickly struck with how beautiful it is. My aim was to capture the classic sights; ornate buildings and typical Parisian activities, and contrast that to the modern business side, towering glass glad skyscrapers and fast paced life.

I felt very lucky to have been in Paris when the massive thunderstorm started. I had seen the weather forecast, and made sure to position myself in among the skyscrapers. The storm started off slow, but very quickly built up to be absolutely ferocious. The lightning was hitting almost every other second, and some bolts were taking up the entire sky.

The following night another huge storm hit Paris, and I spent the night furiously cycling around whilst grabbing as many shots as possible. I would set up, grab a sequence and as soon as the lightning moved away I gave it warp nine and cycled to my next spot as quickly as possible. By the end of the night I was freezing cold and completely soaked, but content with what I had managed to capture."

Lovely footage indeed. Via Laughing Squid.

Bad Timing, Bad Taste

Posted: 16 Aug 2014 06:00 AM PDT

(Legacy Control/Javis Ray)

And it was many years before Nostradamus's fallback career--telemarketing--was successful.

He did try to revive the joke in 1913. It was unpopular then for other reasons.

-via reddit

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