

Nature Reviews Immunology Contents October 2014 Volume 14 Number 10 pp 647-711

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Nature Reviews Immunology

October 2014 Volume 14 Number 10
Nature Reviews Immunology cover
Impact Factor 33.836 *
In this issue
Research Highlights

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 Featured article:
Regional specialization within the intestinal immune system
Allan M. Mowat & William W. Agace

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Nature Immunology
Focus on TCR Signaling

The development and effector function of T cells depends on signaling initiated via the
T cell antigen receptor (TCR). Nature Immunology presents a Focus on TCR signaling with four specially commissioned Reviews. 

Click here to access the Focus.

T cell memory: Warning — here comes a pathogen!
p647 | doi:10.1038/nri3750
Activation of tissue-resident memory CD8+ T cells leads to a state of pathogen alert that induces both innate and adaptive immune responses.

Pattern recognition receptors: Binding mycobacterial sugars
p648 | doi:10.1038/nri3744
Dectin 2 specifically binds the mycobacterial cell wall component mannose-capped lipoarabinomannan.

Natural killer T cells: Lyme scaled back
p648 | doi:10.1038/nri3748
Invariant natural killer T cells can directly limit bacterial dissemination into the joints.

Dendritic cells: The true face of migratory DCs
p649 | doi:10.1038/nri3741
FLT3L-activated classical dendritic cells (DCs) drive immune responses following subcutaneous immunization, whereas migratory skin DCs dampen them.

Microbiota: A 'natural' vaccine adjuvant
p650 | doi:10.1038/nri3745
Intestinal bacteria stimulate TLR5 on B cells and macrophages to promote antibody responses to subunit vaccination.

In the news
p650 | doi:10.1038/nri3747
New vaccine protects monkeys from Ebola virus.

Signalling: BCL-6 curbs glycolysis
p650 | doi:10.1038/nri3749
The transcription factor BCL-6 suppresses the expression of a subset of important genes in the glycolytic pathway in transitional effector T cells.

Immune signalling: Waste sorting
p651 | doi:10.1038/nri3746
The TAM receptors MER and AXL regulate apoptotic cell uptake in diverse immune settings.


Regulatory T cells: Expanding TReg cell numbers in vivo | Immunogenetics: Human CTLA4 mutations described | Macrophages: Gut needs a steady supply of reinforcements

JOBS of the week
Postdoctoral fellowship in T cell immunology
University of Pennsylvania
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Doctoral Fellowships in the Areas of Infection Biology and Immunology in Berlin
ZIBI Graduate School
Signaling mechanisms and transcriptional regulation of immune gene expression
Tsinghua University School of Medicine
Post Doc in Human Mucosal Immunology
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IMMUNOLOGY 2015 AAI Annual Meeting
New Orleans, USA
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Siglec-mediated regulation of immune cell function in disease
Matthew S. Macauley, Paul R. Crocker & James C. Paulson
p653 | doi:10.1038/nri3737
Siglecs are sialic acid-binding cell-surface proteins that can help the immune system to distinguish between self and non-self. In this Review, the authors describe how Siglecs can modulate immune cell signalling, outline the role of Siglecs in disease and discuss targeting Siglecs for therapeutic purposes.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF

Regional specialization within the intestinal immune system
Allan M. Mowat & William W. Agace
p667 | doi:10.1038/nri3738
In this Review, the authors describe the unique and varied immune microenvironments that are found along the length of the intestinal tract. They explain how both host-derived and environmental factors shape this regional specialization and discuss the implications for intestinal pathologies, such as inflammatory bowel diseases and cancers.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF

The role of airway epithelial cells and innate immune cells in chronic respiratory disease
Michael J. Holtzman, Derek E. Byers, Jennifer Alexander-Brett & Xinyu Wang
p686 | doi:10.1038/nri3739
This Review details how the activation of airway epithelial cells and innate immune cells can drive chronic diseases of the lungs, such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The authors discuss how a better understanding of the mechanisms involved is leading to new treatments for these diseases.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF

Lymphocyte fate specification as a deterministic but highly plastic process
Steven L. Reiner & William C. Adams
p699 | doi:10.1038/nri3734
Reiner and Adams propose a deterministic scenario for diversifying the fates of the cellular progeny of a single antigen-selected lymphocyte, with an element of plasticity based on the nature of the pathogen and the number of responding cells.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF

Dendritic cell-targeted vaccines — hope or hype?
Wolfgang Kastenmuller, Kathrin Kastenmuller, Christian Kurts & Robert A. Seder
p705 | doi:10.1038/nri3727
Studies in mice indicate that targeting antigens to dendritic cells (DCs) can elicit strong CD4+ T cell responses. In this Opinion article, the authors summarize the existing DC-targeting approaches; they discuss whether these vaccines are superior to current vaccines and what future studies should entail to successfully introduce these vaccines into a clinical setting.
Abstract | Full Text | PDF | Supplementary information

Correspondence: Why the immune system takes its chances with randomness
Philip D. Hodgkin, Mark R. Dowling & Ken R. Duffy
p711 | doi:10.1038/nri3734-c1
Full Text | PDF
Nature Biotechnology 

The challenges facing targeted delivery of antibody-drug conjugates to a tumor are presented in a 3D animation that describes some of the mechanisms by which these agents target cells.

Animation by Nucleus Inc.

Produced with support from 
Daiichi Sankyo and Takeda Pharmaceuticals
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*2013 Journal Citation Report (Thomson Reuters, 2014)

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