

Nutrition & Diabetes - Table of Contents alert Volume 4 Month 2014

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Nutrition & Diabetes


Volume 4, October 2014

In this issue
Original Articles
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Nutrition & Diabetes is an open access journal publishing outstanding original research and review articles in the areas of nutrition and chronic disease, including diabetes, from the molecular to the popular level. The journal has an Impact Factor of 1.517*.
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*2013 Journal Citation Report® Science Edition (Thomson Reuters, 2014)

Original Articles


Eating behavior traits and sleep as determinants of weight loss in overweight and obese adults

M-L Filiatrault, J-P Chaput, V Drapeau and A Tremblay

Nutr Diab 2014 4: e140; 10.1038/nutd.2014.37

Abstract | Full Text

Altered levels of serum sphingomyelin and ceramide containing distinct acyl chains in young obese adults

H Hanamatsu, S Ohnishi, S Sakai, K Yuyama, S Mitsutake, H Takeda, S Hashino and Y Igarashi

Nutr Diab 2014 4: e141; 10.1038/nutd.2014.38

Abstract | Full Text

Fatty fish consumption and risk of latent autoimmune diabetes in adults

J E Löfvenborg, T Andersson, P-O Carlsson, M Dorkhan, L Groop, M Martinell, T Tuomi, A Wolk and S Carlsson

Nutr Diab 2014 4: e139; 10.1038/nutd.2014.36

Abstract | Full Text

Higher sleep fragmentation predicts a lower magnitude of weight loss in overweight and obese women participating in a weight-loss intervention

R Sawamoto, T Nozaki, T Furukawa, T Tanahashi, C Morita, T Hata, G Komaki and N Sudo

Nutr Diab 2014 4: e144; 10.1038/nutd.2014.41

Abstract | Full Text

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