

Five Reasons Why Your Financial Outlook Just Got Better Plus 4 More Stories

Your NPR stories for November 1, 2014
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A look at the day's top stories
Five Reasons Why Your Financial Outlook Just Got Better
Even if a big raise is not imminent for you, five factors are helping stretch today's paycheck: cheap gasoline; a strong dollar; low interest rates; fierce retail competition and a huge corn harvest.
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Election Night Eating: A Tasting Menu For What's At Stake
NPR's politics team is hosting an election night party Tuesday. But you can't have a party without good grub. So we've put together a menu inspired by the politics in play.
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Ebola Design Challenge Says Yes To The Wedding Dress Designer
There were engineers. And virologists. And one wedding dress designer. Together, they're trying to devise a better design for protective gear worn by health workers in the Ebola ward.
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Hollaback! Video Calls Out Catcallers, But Cuts Out White Men
In the video, most of the men who street-harass, who cat-call, yell sand follow the woman are black and Latino. Noticeably absent from the video? White men.
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Tech Week: Tim Cook's Reveal, Net Neutrality And Big Data Dishes
Tim Cook publicly acknowledged that he's gay, the head of the Federal Communications Commission may have another net neutrality plan and IBM's supercomputer is helping chefs create new dishes.
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