Change Subscription Information b Join The Mind Control Discussion Group or b Real Mind Control Videos b Contact Dantalion Jones b | _ | Mind Control Language Patterns! b You may unsubscribe if you no longer wish to receive our emails. b Dear , b Learn The Words And Phrases That Control The Thoughts Of Others Do you think you could have more power, love, money and security if you learned how to use language to control peoples thoughts and actions? Mind Control Language Patterns are spoken phrases that can act as "triggers" to the people who hear them. In short, they influence and control how we respond and cause us to be influenced to do things without our knowing. These language patterns are not fantasies but are based on documented uses that come from, psychology, hypnosis, Neuro Linguistic Programming and studies of human behavior. Mind Control Language Patterns can be used to help and hurt. One can use Mind Control Language Patterns to create positive and lasting change in people, as well as feelings of trust, love and affections. They can also be used to induce amnesia, fear, insecurity and doubt. These types of patterns are what we call "dark" pattern. Knowing how to use these Mind Control Language Patterns gives you incredible power. Not knowing these Mind Control Language Patterns takes the control out of your hands and places it into the hands of people who know their real power. The book (not an ebook) will describe, explain and document the positive and negative use and application of these these Mind Control Language Patterns. Here is the table of contents if Mind Control Language Patterns and what you'll grab from each chapter. * The Mind Set of Persuasive Language Patterns You'll learn how to create an unstopple confidence by installing in your mind the powerful belief of real life expert in the field. * The Dual Reality Principle This creates two realities. One person experiences what you do one way while everyone else sees it differently. This is a great way to be percieved as "magical". * Taking Mind Control From the Laboratory to The Streets You'll learn how to powerfully effect people in their everyday enviornment
without them suspecting a thing. * Providing and Deleting Options People only think they have a choice in important matter. This allows you the power to offer or remove the choices they have. * Using Your Voice To Control The Emotions of Others How you speak has as much an impact on people as what you say. You'll discover how your voice can bring up love, fear, passion, acceptance and more
when you know how to use it. * Creating Another Personality Multiple Personality is not a myth. It happens to all of us every day. Learn how to create a powerful personality within someone that can take on a life of it's own. You can do this in one telephone conversation. * Give Them Exactly What YOU Want Quite simply the easiest way to have someone empathize with you. * Taking People on a Time Travel Adventure By using language you can hypnotically so disorient their perseption of time that they think and feel as if they've always known you
even if you've just met. * Weaseling Into Peoples Minds Learn how to give hypnotic suggestion that no one will see as hypnotic suggestions. * The Language Pattern That Frightened Psychologist This persuasive language pattern is so powerful that when it was first uncovered the psychology community tried to legislate who could learn it. * How To Compare Things So That You Always Get What You Want There are always options. This is how you can describe only the options that you both like. * Getting To The "Core" Of Any Woman (or Man) Seriously, you WANT to learn how to touch any man or woman at their emotional center. You'll be able to see them melt. * Doubt and Uncertainty Patterns Doubt is a very uncomfortable way to motivate and influence but it's used all the time to make you change your men. You'll learn how to systematically cause doubt and uncertainty. * How To Make Others Hear YOUR Voice in THEIR Heads The end result is that when they mentally talk to themselve they actually hear your voice as their voice of guidance. * How To Motivate People To Do ANYTHING You Want You'll learn how to grab someone by their emotional heart string and guide them anywhere. * How to Destroy Old Beliefs and Install New Ones I've used this pattern to cause people to believe me and follow everything I say. * How To Make Yourself The Instant Expert This will put you in the seat of authority. * How to Instantly Manipulate Your Social Status It doesn't matter which side of the tracks you are from. With this pattern will elevate your social status to one of near royalty. * How To Control The Mind "Because" It's Easy Scientists discovered this pattern to be 80% effective because it employs a basic weakness in the human mind. * How To Make People Crazy With this pattern you'll learn how to cause people to doubt their own senses. * How To Open The Door To A Woman's Heart I'll leave how you'll use this pattern to your imagination. * Why Ask For A Decision When You Can Tell Them What To Do?- This is a whole new way of thinking about persuasion, you simple don't allow people to think! * The Hypnotic Handshake Three different ways to put someone into a hypnotic state (paralized and unable to move) just by shaking their hand. * How to Induce a Hypnotic State In Less Than 30 Seconds You'll see their eyes glaze over as you finish this simple pattern. * Gorilla War Linguistics When in a debate or argument you can use thesedirty warfare tactics that make people shut up and drop the subject. * The Most "Dark" Language Patterns Around This is sometimes refered to as "The Suicide Pattern" because it creates incredible feelings of dispare. It's called "The Suicide Pattern" for a reason. * Techniques of Inducing Amnesia Imagine being able to instantly cause someone to forget your recent screw-up even it you just did it. This is just the beginning. Sincerely,  The Book To Read: Click The Image and Find Out More. | | More Books by Dantalion Jones | |  The Mind Control Manual |  Building Your Cult | |
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