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Netflix, the world's leading online movie provider, rents roughly 200,000 movies per day.
That amounts to more than 8 million movies per month.
And thanks to a now-available profit loophole known as "Internet Royalties," you can legally skim a small amount of cash off of each one of those 8 million rentals and deposit it into your bank account.
Now, the portion you earn per rental won’t be a lot. In fact, it'll likely amount to something in the neighborhood of 1/20th of a cent.
But while that may seem like a very tiny amount — and it is — consider this:
If you were to earn just 1/20th of a cent EVERY time Netflix rents a movie this month, you'd pull in $4,000, free and clear.
Do it every month, and you're looking at $48,000 per year in pure profits.
And there's no catch here, either.
You don't have to own a single share of Netflix stock...
You don't have to sign up for any program... and you don't have to fill out any forms.
Click here to get the full details...
Good Investing,
Brit Ryle
Editor, The Wealth Advisory
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