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The First Testiment Of The Illuminati


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Greetings ,

All humans search for the truth of their existence but few ever find it. Like you, I have searched for meaning behind the world's greatest mysteries: What is my purpose? Is the human species being watched? Who is pulling the strings, and are they good or evil?

I believe I've found an answer in the Illuminati.

You've likely heard of this elite organization of global influencers whose commands are obeyed by powerful world leaders, but you should forget anything you've been told. Since its inception, the Illuminati has operated with utmost secrecy, which led to rumors of Satanic worship and human sacrifice: all very untrue.

To fight back against these inaccuracies, the Illuminati began public outreach in 2013, leading millions to discover the Light of truth. I am one of those people.

Many extraordinary things are ahead for this planet. We've often asked for guidance through life's mazes… and finally our answer has arrived in Illuminatiam: The First Testament Of The Illuminati.

Never before seen by the public, Illuminatiam is a message to the world directly from the Illuminati and your life's guide to all that is ahead, including:

– Revelations about the Illuminati's role in history
– Decades-old secrets of wealth and prosperity
– How to join the Illuminati in the coming age
– Your true purpose in this world.

With this testament, the Illuminati answers questions often sent by citizens: What is the source of the Illuminati's power? Does the Illuminati worship Satan or God? How do I join? What is Illuminios?

More information is available at

Fear not for what is revealed in the Testament. This planet is meant for greatness: a world rich enough for all people, in all places, to live in Abundance. Consider its messages with the joy of a people faced with a bright future.

A new dawn approaches. Though you may sometimes feel insignificant, you are an integral part of the Universal Design. There is no need to fear what is ahead when someone is always watching out for you.


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Dantalion Jones

The Mind Control Manual

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