

We donate. You decide how.

Last day to vote today: January 31, 2015.
Do good with one click. Last chance to vote in 2014.
One-click vote for Black Lives Matter Fund
Black Lives Matter Fund is a special fund created and managed by CREDO in response to the two recent grand jury decisions not to indict police officers who killed African-American men. The decisions underscore the fact that our criminal justice system is broken. Your vote for the Black Lives Matter Fund will provide critical donations to groups working to change the way police forces operate and alter the impact they have on African-American communities.
Vote for this group.
One-click vote for Mother Jones
Mother Jones Investigative Fund produces smart, fearless journalism that tells the truth about the issues and inspires a more democratic world.
Vote for this group.
One-click vote for NARAL
NARAL Pro-Choice America is a fierce advocate of women's rights, including a woman's right to choose. With the Republican war on women raging in Washington, D.C., and statehouses nationwide, NARAL's work is crucial to ensuring equality and freedom for women.
Vote for this group.
Questions? Send us an email or write us at: 101 Market Street, Suite 700, San Francisco, CA 94105

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