

Awesome Time #73

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Awesome Time #73

Apparently, Jamie's a glutton for marshmallows, vandalizing his taste buds with insanely spicy ghost peppers, and professing his love for Colbie Caillat. But none of those admissions come close to equalling the awesomeness of the new products showcased in episode #73. Please, watch through to the end. It's magical.

Video Newsletter! Click to Play the Awesome!
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Featured Products:

Mix 'n Match Plush Toys

Mix 'n Match Plush Toys

  TailGator Beverage Glove

TailGator Beverage Glove

  Fruit of the Bloom

Fruit of the Bloom

  Ghostbusters Playing Cards

Ghostbusters Playing Cards

Desktop Skill Ball

Desktop Skill Ball

  Handheld Tape Dispenser

Handheld Tape Dispenser

  The Self-Balancing Unicycle

The Self-Balancing Unicycle


New Videos!


Eagle Mask and Talons (1:41)


Self-Balancing Unicycle (2:24)


Breakfast Lollipops (1:11)


One Up! Word Game (1:28)

Message from the Evil Boss:

Dear Valued Customer,

It's here! It's here! Our latest music video is finally here! It's called Murphy's Law Enforcement and it's hysterical. This little gem features bike cops riding around on Self-Balancing Unicycles! You have to see it.

As always, don't forget the promo code. Enter "jamieloses" on the cart page to redeem your coupon.

Thank you for your business,

Jamie Salvatori, Owner

Evil Boss!
The Evil Boss, cackling
The Coupon Code!
Please, please, please stalk us!
Save $5 off your next order of $20 or more (excluding shipping costs and gift cards) by entering "jamieloses" on the cart page.*

* Please note that the coupon expires March 07, 2015.

We want to be where the cool kids are — so that's why you can find us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and Google+.
Vat19.com, 11783 Borman Drive, Saint Louis, MO 63146, USA

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