| February 27, 2015 | Archives | Unsubscribe | | | | |
| | Ignore the Crash Callers and Buy This ETF | | - The crash of 2016?
- Time to put your money where your mouth is...
- Plus: What's really going on out on the farm
| | Greg Guenthner coming to you from Baltimore, MD... So you think you're a contrarian, eh?
OK tough guy, today we're gonna see if you can put your money where your mouth is...
Because everyone and their friggin' brother thinks the market's due for a crash. Everyone. Even the mainstream financial media is ringing the bells of doom...
"It's time to start the countdown to the crash of 2016," reads the No.1 read column published on MarketWatch Thursday. "No, this is not a prediction of a minor correction. Plan on a 50% crash."
Never mind this joker made the exact same call for a 1929-esque crash last year, too. Funny, I somehow missed the famous Crash of 2014. Must have been when I was on vacation. Or maybe it happened after I had a few drinks and wasn't paying attention. Anyway...
If you check out this chart from Bespoke Investment Group, you can see that bullish sentiment has been dropping since October:
So, are the Chicken Littles right? Are we heading for a crash? I sure doesn't look like it to me. Here's why...
Bull markets run on skepticism. And right now, everyone's a skeptic--even as stocks break new ground. While they hesitate, we trade. And make money.
So today you can earn some contrarian street cred by betting on the bulls...
Look, we're not contrarian just for the sake of being contrarian. Only idiots are. And yes, the market will eventually drop. But the charts will tell us when it's time to sell. And right now, they're screaming "BUY". There's simply no other way to put it.
Of course, you want to be exposed to the biggest, baddest bulls driving the market higher. Here's a peek at the year-to-date performance of the major sectors compared to the S&P 500:
Consumer stocks, healthcare, and materials are leading the charge this year, while energy, financials and utilities are bringing up the rear. So I don't have to tell you what to buy if you want to make money in 2015.
If you're the contrarian you say you are, today's your chance to prove it. It's time to channel your inner Hemingway - run with the bulls. | | | | | High-speed car chases... poorly made home videos... cats acting like dogs... So believe me when I say... I have never seen anything like this video... anywhere... EVER. | | | | | | | Rude Numbers | Targets, Predictions and Wild Guesses
| | $49.14 | buys a barrel of crude today. Oil is trading all over the place this week. Today, it's up more than 2% as it tried to recover from yesterday's drop... | $2.72 | is the price of natural gas this morning. Natty is also trying to recover from a terrible Thursday session. It's up nearly 1% in early trading... | $1,209 | is where you'll find gold futures this morning. Gold is going nowhere fast this morning as it tries to bottom out after its 5-week swoon... | $16.51 | is where you'll find silver today. The poor man's precious metal isn't following gold higher. It's off by 11 cents so far today... | 2,106 | marks the spot for S&P futures just before the morning bell. Stocks are looking to begin the trading day slightly in the red... | | | | | Rude Trends | When to Buy... When to Sell
| | "Like everything else, the truth is in the details," says a reader regarding our 3 Ridiculously Strong "Redneck Stocks" we shared with your this week. "Are these real growth statistics or is it inflation? I don't see any increase in business activity here."
Hmmm. Sometimes a little anecdotal evidence from the heartland can help us with our trading strategies. Please, continue...
"I agree that we have a few more dollars because a tank of gas is half of what it was. We are not going to town any more often and we are not spending any more then we did last year. We are putting some in the bank. What we are putting in the bank is from the sale of farm equipment. That is not going to increase production next year. Our production will be less than last year. Sales are down."
For what it's worth, inflation is a non-issue at the moment. But I won't discount your boots-on-the-ground story. Still, the upturn in these stocks is nearly impossible to ignore. Remember, the stock market is a leading indicator. It always surprises us when we're caught looking in the rearview mirror. [Ed. Note: Send your feedback here: rude@agorafinancial.com - and follow me on Twitter: @GregGuenthner] | | | | Ignore At Your Own Peril | Today's Must Read Links | | | | | BE SURE TO ADD rude@agorafinancial.com to your address book. | | | | Additional Articles & Commentary:
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