

Is the Dollar Running Out of Gas?

You can't turn on the news without hearing about the "strong dollar." But the dollar has been looking awfully "toppy" lately. Follow us on Twitter Like us on Facebook
Saturday, February 7, 2015 | Issue #160
How to Skip the Next Correction

After the long bull market of the last few years, many people are worried that stocks are due for a big correction.

Understandably so...

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Eric Fry, daydreaming about pristine beaches, reports...

In "Paradise Found," the January 15, 2015, edition of The Daily Grind, we shared our fondness for Rancho Santana - the beautiful beachfront in Nicaragua that is owned and operated by our parent company, Agora Inc. We also mentioned the upcoming "Investing in Paradise Retreat" that takes place at Rancho Santana from February 25 to March 1, and invited interested parties to hop a plane and spend some time with us down there.

The upcoming retreat is just one reason to pay a visit to Nicaragua. Now comes The Huffington Post with 13 more reasons...

In its story from last weekend, aptly titled "13 Reasons To Get To Nicaragua Before Everyone Discovers It," The Huffington Post urged its readers to "giddy-up" and get down to this fascinating Central American nation.

Among the reasons to pay a visit...

    No. 3: "This country is nature, uninterrupted."

    No. 5: "Volcano boarding is an actual sport."

    No. 12: "You'll be the only human on some of its beaches."

No. 12 is often the case at Rancho Santana. The shot below shows a very typical "day in the life" of Rancho Santana's Playa Escondida. (I snapped this photo myself two months ago. The only footprints on the sand are from my friend and me.)

You can check out The Huffington Post's 10 other reasons "to get to Nicaragua" right here:

"13 Reasons To Get To Nicaragua Before Everyone Discovers It."

To discover Nicaragua for yourself, you could get to Rancho Santana three weeks from now. The details of the inaugural "Investing in Paradise Retreat" are just below. I hope to see you down there!

Event Details:

Investing in Paradise Retreat

February 25 to March 1, 2015
Rancho Santana, Nicaragua

Join Emerging Trends Strategist Matthew Carr, Pacific Coast Real Estate Expert Marc Brown and me, Offshore Strategist Eric Fry, for a long weekend in paradise. This brief, informative and highly enjoyable tour includes...

  • FREE nights at the new Inn at Rancho Santana for Chairman's Circle Members who have never been there (two to four nights) and discounted rates after that. Rooms are also discounted for non-Chairman's Circle Members.
  • FREE concierge arrangements for you, including assistance for booking transportation from the airport, guides and any rentals.

Plus, your first Flor de Caña Mai Tai is on us! Why? I want you to see our Club community's spectacular new Inn and the gorgeous beach properties there. This is a very casual, laid-back event... no high-pressure sales of any kind. You can also see how we are helping with philanthropic initiatives in healthcare and education and providing jobs and training in the community.

To begin arranging your visit, please send a personal email to Marc Brown with whatever questions you may have. He's not only the director of sales, but also a very knowledgeable and nice guy. He'll have all the answers to your questions. His email address is marcb@ranchosantana.com.

Or if you prefer, just email your phone number to Marc, and he'll get back to you ASAP. Lastly, if this particular retreat won't work out for you, but you'd like to be kept in the loop on future events at Rancho Santana, please drop a line to ranchosantana@oxfordclub.com, and we'll keep you informed.

[An important disclosure: The Oxford Club receives commissions on certain property sales at Rancho Santana.]

The Strong Dollar Is Looking Weaker

By Sean Brodrick

You can't turn on the news channels without hearing about the "strong dollar." And sure, the greenback was recently up more than 20% from its low last May. But you know what? The trading action in the U.S. dollar has been looking awfully "toppy" lately.

If the dollar is topping, it's a huge reversal of the recent trend.

For the last couple of years, investors the world over have been buying the dollar hand over fist. As a result, the dollar's value has been soaring against every major world currency.

The chart below shows the PowerShares DB US Dollar Index Bullish Fund (NYSE: UUP) - an ETF that tracks the U.S. dollar closely. You can see it's in a big uptrend. Heck, a runaway uptrend.

I circled where the U.S. Dollar Index Bullish Fund - i.e., the U.S. dollar - gapped higher on January 23. Two days later, it gapped down. This price level hasn't been touched since. That is called an "island reversal." It is indicative of a short-term top in the U.S. dollar.

Is the Dollar Running Out of Gas?

The dollar enjoyed a big rally for many reasons. But here are two important forces:

1. Positive Interest Rates. The Fed's benchmark interest rate is just 0.25%, but would you believe that's actually a lot HIGHER than some other countries? And our central bank is hinting it will RAISE rates. Overseas, they're cutting rates.

Heck, 12 leading central banks have cut interest rates 15 times since the start of the year. Recent "slashers" include Denmark (four times in three weeks), Canada, Egypt, India, Romania, Russia, Turkey, Germany, Switzerland and Australia.

This means that many countries have negative yields. In other words, their central banks charge money to hold bank deposits.

  • France and Belgium offer negative yields on maturities up to four years out.
  • Netherlands, Austria, Sweden and Finland have negative yields on bonds up to five years out.
  • Germany and Denmark offer negative yields on maturities up to six years out.
  • And Switzerland - 13 years. THIRTEEN FREAKING YEARS!

So why do people buy negative-yielding bonds? Probably because they'd rather lose a little bit of money owning short-term bonds than risk losing a lot of money in the local stock markets.

That's what fear looks like.

2. Comparatively Stronger Economy. U.S. economic growth may be nothing to brag about, but it's stronger than the economic standstill in Europe.

You can see why the U.S. dollar and deposits in U.S. banks got so popular.

But there can be too much of a good thing. With our currency going sky-high, our exports are getting more expensive. Goods made in America become more expensive for foreigners as their currencies weaken.

Result: The U.S. trade deficit jumped in December by 17.1% to $46.6 billion. That's the highest level since 2012.

And since U.S. companies' goods are expensive overseas, business slows down. That's one reason (but not the only reason) why the U.S. economy went from growing 5% in the third quarter to 2.6% in the fourth quarter. That's still stronger growth than Europe - for now.

Lower Oil Prices Grease the Dollar's Slide

But now, oil prices have fallen so far and so fast that drillers across America are closing down shop, at least temporarily. The oil boom has turned bust.

This makes foreign investors think that A) our economy is going to slow down even more and B) the Fed won't be so quick to raise interest rates.

Meanwhile, things aren't so bad in Europe. And cheap currencies are boosting European and Asian exports, kicking economies on both sides of the pond into higher gear.

So now all that money starts to flow the other way.

Mind you, the dollar could start rallying again. But it's also true the U.S. dollar has its own long-term problems, including federal debt, deadlock in Washington and an economic recovery that can't seem to get out of second gear.

So keep your eye on the dollar. There should be plenty of profit opportunities in both the long and short term.

For traders who are interested in betting on a dollar decline, PowerShares also offers a PowerShares DB US Dollar Index Bearish ETF (NYSE: UDN). Not surprisingly, this ETF has been one of the worst-performing funds of the last several months. But if the dollar does indeed begin to head south, this fund will head north.

I am not formally recommending this fund because I'm not a currency trader. But I expect a falling dollar to provide a wealth of investment opportunities in the precious metals sector. And that's where I'm focusing my attention.

2015 should be an excellent year for the precious metals!

Stay tuned...

All the best,

Sean Brodrick
for Free Market Café

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