

Natural Gas Billions

This weekend, we bring you the  week's most popular stories from Energy and Capital and our sister site, Wealth Daily...
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Collect a $13,364 Dividend Check

A few savvy investors have found a way to collect massive dividend checks by buying a little-discussed type of company.

One man from San Bernardino just cashed a $13,364 check. Another from Minnesota gets an amazing $9,085 dividend. And one Delaware man's checks have grown to $11,141!

And they're receiving these checks simply by owning this special type of investment.

It's nothing tricky, either... These companies trade just like regular stocks but offer unparalleled dividend payouts.

To learn how you can join them, click here.

Natural Gas Billions
By Jeff Siegel | Saturday, February 7th, 2015
Jeff Siegel

This weekend, we bring you the week's most popular stories from Energy and Capital and our sister site, Wealth Daily...

Internet Giants Are Paying You Royalties: Earn Cash from Netflix, Amazon, and Facebook
These top Internet retailers are paying royalties to the public. And you don't have to own any of their high-priced stocks to collect.

Natural Gas Bankrupts Coal Project: CCS is Dead. Here's What Killed It...
Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl discusses the latest failure of a massive CCS project at the hands of natural gas.

Why You Can't Trust Chinese Stocks: For Safety's Sake, Buy American
It was the hottest IPO in recent memory. The share price ramped on the first day of trading. But I'd rather own shares in a regular old burger joint because I don't trust Chinese companies.

The MLPs are Alright: Master Limited Partnership Investments
ConocoPhillips is cutting its budget more than 20%, and other companies are doing the same. But there is still value in the oil industry...

Profit from $150 Billion in Waste: Natural Gas Billions
Thanks to the U.S. fracking boom, natural gas has become so cheap, it is more economical to burn it off than sell it. But that's coming to an end, and those who position themselves will rake in the profits.


How Did an Old, Solitary Woman Turn $5,000 into $22 million?

You've seen these rags-to-riches stories in the movies and in fairy tales.

But the story of Betty Landbourne is true — which makes it all the more shocking.

You see, Betty, living alone in her New York apartment, managed to turn a $5,000 initial investment into a fortune worth in excess of $22 million by following a handful of simple trading rules.

Betty is no longer with us today, but the rules she discovered are known to modern traders as "The Secret of Rich Man's Row."

Today, that secret can be yours too.

Click here to learn more.

Know Your Enemy: Wall Street Tries to Screw Us... Again
What would you say if I told you there are some investment brokers who don't feel they should put your financial interests above their own?

Investing in the Sol-Wind IPO: Obama's "Green" Agenda Can Make You Rich
Renewable energy is already hot, but Obama just made it hotter.

Millionaires Share Their Secrets: How Nine Ordinary Investors Got Rich
A bulletin from 2011 details the wealth secrets of nine ordinary people... including Betty Landbourne, who amassed a $22 million fortune, and Jack Ratcliffe, who made $1 million on his first 11 trades.

Why the Chinese are Investing in American Real Estate: The Chinese Want to Buy Your House
Chinese investors dominate American real estate. Paul Benson tells you where they're buying and how you can profit.

Picking the Oil Winners: Oil to $200 or $12.45?
Christian DeHaemer talks rig counts, oil prices, and OPEC.

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The Bottom Line

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