



Real <i>Star Trek</i> Currency

Posted: 09 Feb 2015 04:00 AM PST

They're not Federation credits or gold-pressed latinum, but if you're in the Pacific island nation of Tuvalu, you can use these coins as legal tender. On one side of each dollar coin is the face of Elizabeth II, the Queen of Tuvalu. On the other is either Captain Kirk or the USS Enterprise. The Perth Mint of Australia offers these collectible coins made of almost pure silver.

-via Tor

P.S. If you know of a bank that will exchange quatloos for US Dollars, please let me know promptly. I need a good rate or I'm going to take a big hit unloading these thralls.

World’s Laziest Cats

Posted: 09 Feb 2015 03:00 AM PST

(YouTube link)

You’ve heard it said that a hardworking person will get the job done, while a lazy person will find an easier way to do it. These cats would like a drink of water, but it’s not worth the effort to actually stand up on all fours to get it. Cleverness enables laziness, so they’ve figured out a way to have a drink while lying down. -via Tastefully Offensive    

The Avengers' Battle in New York City Would Cause $160 Billion in Damage

Posted: 09 Feb 2015 02:00 AM PST

(Image: Marvel Studios)

In the 2012 movie The Avengers, some of the greatest heroes of the Marvel Universe join forces to battle an alien invasion from a wormhole that opens in New York City. At the end of the film, the heroes rejoice in their triumph, which is a reasonable reaction. But most of them aren't property owners in New York City. People who are did nothing but suffer in that film because the city was thoroughly ravaged during the battle.

The Kinetic Analysis Corporation is a company that performs assessments of disasters. At the request of The Hollywood Reporter, Chuck Watson and Sara Jupin used computer models to calculate how much financial damage New York City suffered during the movie. They determined that the total cost is about $160 billion:

Although many buildings in the fight's East Midtown arena suffered extensive structural damage, most were limited to the more superficial destruction of windows, facade and some interiors. Those buildings that had their tops crushed, though, would be especially costly and time-consuming to fix, as would be Grand Central Station, through which a warship crashed.

"The extensive damage to Grand Central Terminal could prove highly disruptive, depending on the subsurface damage to the subway system," KAC notes. "Although such damage is unlikely, as the 9/11 events showed, collapsing buildings can cause significant damage to subsurface infrastructure such as gas, communications and electrical systems. Detailed site surveys will be required to assess the state of the subterranean infrastructure."

I found this article via The Geek Twins, with whom I had a lively discussion on Twitter. I have strong opinions on these matters. In short, if you live in the Marvel or DC universes, don't live in a large city. Don't live in a city where there are superheroes. If a superhero begins operations in your city, move. Superheroes attract supervillains and supervillains will kill you or destroy your property. Superheroes are nothing but trouble, so avoid them as much as practically possible.

On the other hand, the regularity of superhero plots--their predictable nature--also creates opportunities. For example, wherever there are superheroes, there will be physical destruction and therefore financial demand for reconstruction:

Of course, you'd need a lot of capital to go into the construction business. You may do better by counting on insurance payouts increasing dramatically:

As the Thirty-Fourth Rule of Acquisition says, "War is good for business." The Thirty-Fifth Rule is "Peace is good for business." Together, the principle they assert is that in any situation, there's a market that you can probably exploit--if you look at it the right way.

Heisenberg: A Breaking Bad Parody Song

Posted: 09 Feb 2015 01:00 AM PST

(YouTube link)

In yet another case of an unlikely mashup that works, Bonecage has put the story from the TV show Breaking Bad to the tune of “Africa” by Toto. The lyrics might make you laugh, but if you don’t catch them all, they are listed at the YouTube page. -via Geeks Are Sexy

Visit South Korea's Sheep Cafe

Posted: 09 Feb 2015 12:00 AM PST

Cafes where you get to pet animals while you eat are all the rage, especially in East Asia. There are cat cafes, dog cafes, owl cafes, and goat cafes, among others. On February 19, the Year of the Sheep in the Chinese zodiac begins, so one clever restaurater in Seoul is bringing sheep into his cafe.

(Video Link)

In the South Korean culture, On Demand News informs us, sheep symbolize "kindness, humility, and respect for parents." Many Koreans visit sheep farms at this time. Lee Kwang-ho, the owner of the Thanks to Nature Cafe, saw this tradition as a great opportunity to draw in customers.

-via Nothing to Do with Aborath

POLL: What type of animal cafe would you like to see next?

  • Komodo dragon
  • Madagascar hissing cockroach
  • Grizzly bear
  • Mosquito
  • I'll offer my own suggestion in the comments

The Ancient Palace of Sigiriya

Posted: 08 Feb 2015 10:00 PM PST

Image: Hennebery blog 

On the slopes and summit of a 650-foot high Sri Lankan peak lie the ruins of the ancient city Sigiriya. Locals also call the rock fortress pictured above “Lion’s Rock.” The majestic site, built in the fifth century by King Kassapa I, can be seen from miles away. 

In its time, the complex, with its moat and ramparts, was not only strong on defense. King Kassapa outfitted it for pleasure as well. Extensivegardens and frescoeswere just a few features that added beauty to the city. 

There's much more to learn about this fascinating location, including the royal drama that led to its construction, the existence of an ancient graffiti wall and more. Read a detailed description and see additional pictures of Sigiriya here andhere. 

Image: David Hein

Image: Pavel Dobrovsky

The Little Truck That Couldn’t

Posted: 08 Feb 2015 08:00 PM PST

(YouTube link)

These guys thought they could haul a load of wood in a tiny three-wheeled 50cc Plaggio Ape, which is essentially a Vespa scooter with a truck bed. But their downfall is a hill. It’s not a big hill, just big enough to confound the loaded vehicle. Experienced Ape drivers know that they could have made it by driving in reverse. They also could have made it if these two guys had helped with a push, but they couldn’t stop laughing long enough to do a darn thing. I don’t know if I would have reacted any better. -via Uproxx

Coffee Stain Motorcycles

Posted: 08 Feb 2015 06:00 PM PST

Carter Asmann, an artist in Encinitas, California, is incredibly skilled at producing precise renderings of machines in pencil. Lately, he's been staining paper with coffee cup rings, then filling in images of motorcycles around them. His command of the details of his craft is impressive! Asmann's drawings are so technically good that they looks like photographs of the motorcycles. You can see more at his Instagram account.

-via Colossal

A View From the Dark Side of the Moon, Courtesy of NASA (Scored by Pink Floyd)

Posted: 08 Feb 2015 04:00 PM PST

YouTube Link

This video from the NASA Scientific Visualization Studio shows the phases of the moon as viewed from the "dark side" (a misnomer). Their simulation is as beautiful as it is intriguing. How amazing would it be to see the moon with the blue marble of Earth looming behind it?

But now, let's get down to serious, scientific biz: visitthis link and follow the Daily Dot's instructions to the letter on how to sync NASA's video with Pink Floyd. As they said, "You're welcome!"

I LOVE TK - Trooper Pride

Posted: 08 Feb 2015 02:00 PM PST


Stormtroopers may seem like the most stoic bunch in the universe, but that's just because they rarely remove their helmets. Truth is, they're quite an emotional bunch, and those who had friends on that death star were so distraught that they wanted a bold way to show their love for all the TKs who lost their lives when the rebel scum launched their terrorist attack. They created a SithStarter for a new t-shirt design that would properly convey how they feel about the troopers life and honor the fallen, and they were able to raise enough funds to create this awesome design! Show your support for those Imperial forces that keep your planet rebel free, wear your love of TK troopers on your chest!

Love those TK clone troopers? Show the world with this I LOVE TK t-shirt by ALIENBIKER23, it's a stylish way to honor those TKs who have lost their lives fighting those wars in the stars...

Visit ALIENBIKER23's Facebook fan page and Twitter, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more geek-tastic designs:


View more designs by ALIENBIKER23 | More Funny T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Why Measles is So Contagious

Posted: 08 Feb 2015 02:00 PM PST

In 1846, before we even knew what a virus was, doctor Peter Panum observed a measles outbreak in the Faroe Islands.

Because the Faroe Islands were so remote, Panum had an easy time observing the disease spread from person to person. He developed an eerie power of prediction. If one person developed a rash from measles, Panum knew that everyone else in the patient’s house would get sick two weeks later.

Panum noticed other predictable patterns, too. On average, he estimated, every infected person infected seven to nine other people. Today, the estimate for the average number of infections spread from each sick person is higher–between 12 and 18. By comparison, the figure for Ebola is only about two.

The panic over the ebola virus is understandable because the mortality rate is high, but the chances of catching it are tiny compared to measles. The measles virus evolved to be very contagious in order to survive as a species. The virus must find new human hosts because old hosts become immune. Carl Zimmer explains the process in much more detail at The Loom. -via Not Exactly Rocket Science

(Image credit: Paul Duprex)

Chubby Puppies Who Look Like Teddy Bears

Posted: 08 Feb 2015 12:00 PM PST

Newfoundland | Source: reddit 

There's nothing cuter than the chub of a baby, no matter the species. Even the human race, the majority of which seems to dislike "chubby" in their fellow humans, loves it on an infant. This user-submitted collection of roly poly puppies, who could sit in a toy store among the giant Gunds and likely not be recognized, is an "Aww" fest. Dog lovers, prepare to wish you had a place for another one. 

 Chow Chow | Source: unknown

Goldendoodle | Source: Kate

Color Tiles

Posted: 08 Feb 2015 10:00 AM PST

The instructions for the game Color Tiles seem simple:

Click on a blank space.
If the color matches the nearest neighboring tiles,vertically or horizontally,
from the clicked space, you get the matching tiles.

Actually doing that is maddening. Find two matching tiles with a blank space in between, great. Find two catty-corner with a blank space adjacent, wonderful. But those are not easy to find! Once you start getting rid of tiles, the configuration changes, and there are more blank spaces. But you are timed, so don’t study too thoroughly. Is it a good idea to click all the blank spaces as fast as you can? No, because in addition to being timed, you also have a finite number of clicks. Tiles that are farther away from each other with other colors in between will also work, but are almost impossible to see. The highest I’ve scored so far is 45. If you are color-blind, you can toggle a mode in which symbols appear on the tiles. Try it yourself and let me know if I am just hopeless at games like this. -via Look At This

Red Panda Cub Braves His First Bridge

Posted: 08 Feb 2015 08:00 AM PST

YouTube Link

In a burst of baby bravery, this two-month-old red panda cub from Maruyama Zoo in Hokkaido, Japan takes on the log bridge in his enclosure for the first time. With persistence, he conquers the bridge. This little cub has a bright future ahead.-Via Tastefully Offensive

Horse Stuck in Bathtub

Posted: 08 Feb 2015 07:00 AM PST

It’s not unusual for livestock owners to repurpose an old bathtub as a feeding trough. That was the case in Orangeville, California, for a 30-year-old mare named Phantom. Phantom was dancing in her stall Friday when she fell and became wedged in the bathtub. She was stuck there for at least 25 minutes with her feet in the air. The Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District was called.

Charles Campbell told KTLA sister station KTXL that when his wife called 911 for help, a confused dispatcher called back minutes later to clarify what had occurred.

“She called her back and she said, ‘You’re husband can’t get out of the bathtub?’ And she says, ‘No, it’s my horse,'” Campbell said.

Firefighters and the family worked together to tip the bathtub on its side and pull Phantom out to freedom. You can see that in a short video clip at Facebook. -via Arbroath

(Image credit: Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District)

Forget Treadmill Desks. You Need a Surfboard Desk!

Posted: 08 Feb 2015 06:00 AM PST

Office furniture designers have a goal: to annoy workers as much as possible. They want to make office work even more unpleasant, so they've invented devices like treadmill desks, hamster wheel desks, punching bag keyboards, and full-body mouse controllers. This is, of course, precisely the wrong direction we should be moving in. The optimal work position is supine in a comfortable bed.

One popular take on this concept is that terrible yet persistent idea: the standing desk. A standing desk requires that you stand whenever you need to do work, instead of sitting in a comfortable chair. If you're in reasonably good health, you can probably stand up for a long time. Maybe even an entire work shift. Perhaps the experience isn't so awful after all.

(Photo: Fluid Stance)

That's where Joel Heath's The Level comes in to rescue you from the dangers of comfort and contentment. It's a surfboard-like platform on an unstable base. To keep upright, you have to constantly shift your body with tiny movements. 

-via Marilyn Terrell

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