Rewriting America's History By Jocelynn Smith, Sr. Managing Editor On Saturday, February 21, I shared a story about an Oklahoma representative who had proposed to cut funding for Advanced Placement U.S. History, accusing the current coursework of not being patriotic enough and undermining "American exceptionalism." We've also seen similar movements spring up in Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas and Colorado during the past year. I posed the question to readers: Do you trust our elected officials — whether local, state or national — to decide what should be taught to children? The response was overwhelming! It's obvious that there is a growing unease across the country about the bias and censorship that is seeping into the curriculum of American schools. As a special issue of the Saturday Sovereign Investor Daily, I thought I would share with you just a small sampling of some of the responses we received: From E. Sisson I read your article about the change to AP curriculum (U.S. History) and I wish what you said was not true, but unfortunately it sounds like more of the same. If the PTB (powers that be — the really rich — international bankers) want control, they do it through various means (media, education, etc.) Anyway, I appreciate your input and I hope to influence some towards the fact our country is going in the wrong direction. From M. Broderick I am so thankful for the Sovereign Investor. You all offer a world perspective and provide relevant information about other options. The United States has so many good people, it is worth fighting for the good people to read, read, READ at higher levels, which enhances higher order thinking skills. The attack on public schools is a way to keep people dumb — literally, reading builds the brain for advanced and complicated concepts, and AP courses of course lead to higher order thinking. People who can think, write, and read at higher levels are not easily taken advantage of, and in fact, hold others accountable for their unethical actions. From P. Lane It is all about context that matches the objective. Is history just about what happened or why it happened as well? Is it about learning what happened in its historical environment or attempting to apply today's social and cultural standards to critique past events and actions out of their context? What is the objective of teaching history? That is really what the controversy is about. There are lots of events in American history that were far from noble, just or even logical. Slavery always seems to be on the lips of many but what about treatment of the American Indians, child labor, union busting on the one hand or union thuggery on the other. How about the disenfranchising of women until August 26, 1920 when the 19th Amendment was ratified? What about the control by the robber baron wealthy and powerful 19th-century American businessmen who used exploitative practices to amass their wealth? All of those events are part of American history and should be taught but in what context? In my opinion, both the good and evil of each as well as subsequent consequences should be taught, with balance being the objective. An objective of just vilifying everyone from Christopher Columbus to the present serves little prospective purpose just as failing to teach why historical events happened make American history just an exercise in memorization of names, dates and places. My guess is that Advanced Placement American history is the place to ask why and not just what. Those students generally possess more ability to reason, to analyze, to balance. Those abilities though should not be used in some politically correct effort to only measure past events using contemporary values, mores and biases. From R. Alvarez-Galloso Attempts to rewrite American History by the so-called leaders are reminiscent of what happened in Nazi Germany, Cuba under Castro, Venezuela and North Korea. It also hides the crimes of the elite and discourages critical and objective thinking. From L. Ganse My feeling is that it may well be too late to stop this. In fact, public schools have been de-emphasizing our history for at least the past 30 years. I know this from the experience of my two children in California public schools in the '70s and '80s. I ran head-on into this when my son and I were talking about his history class in high school. I found that they had two days discussing the Civil War and ONE WEEK on the holocaust. Following the de-emphasis in those days we got the re-writing that is now plaguing the curricula. If the people do not wake up and get education control away from Washington and the teachers' unions it is difficult to see a happy ending to all of this... Has the government's reach stretched too far? I would love to hear your thoughts, whether you think America's history is in danger of being sanitized or if the curriculum has become too dark. Please email me at Regards, Jocelynn Smith, Sr. Managing Editor, Sovereign Investor Daily P.S. If you've missed some of last week's Sovereign ideas, please see our commentaries below: Put Options: The Smart Way to Buy It may sound too good to be true — get paid to wait for a stock to fall to your asking price — but you can do just that. You can earn greater yield on your stock portfolio and generate regular income through a little-known market strategy that allows you to buy a stock at the price you want. Chad explains how you can use this tactic to earn regular income and maximize your profits. Can You Believe This Video?! This shocking interview has already gone "viral." In fact, it was sent to more than 468,900 people in the first 24 hours alone! But if you don't act quickly, you might not get to see it at all. That's because one analyst is making a bold prediction about a new movement that will ignite the greatest financial and political crisis America has ever seen. And some would like to see him silenced. To see this shocking interview while it's still online, click here. America's Militarized Police: A Growing Threat to Liberty New York City is now planning a special police force that will be equipped with sniper rifles, machine guns and even a small navy. Increasingly militarized police forces are supposed to protect citizens from possible attacks, but it is the police — not terrorists — who are the real threat to Americans' freedom, rights and personal safety. Read here about this growing threat in America. Your Blueprint for True Freedom from IRS Thievery, NSA Snooping, and Much More… A former U.S. Congressman has made critical updates to one of the most controversial books we've ever seen. Inside, he reveals the secrets to getting a second passport and establishing a part-time or full-time offshore residency in one of over 82 beautiful, get-away countries ... starting in 30 days or less. To learn more about this guide to international living and travel before we sell out, click here. The Fed's Trapped: Low Interest Rates are Leading to the Dollar's Slow Death The Fed announced its next move: It's not making one. But low interest rates are not without consequences, especially for the U.S. dollar. Read why Jeff thinks that interest rates are likely to remain low, what it means for the global economy, and what you can do to protect yourself from a possible financial crisis. Buy Precious Metals the Way You See Fit Every metals investor is different. Some prefer to own gold free and clear. Others might value the benefits of pooled silver. However, all would agree that digging deep into your wallet to buy metals is not a smart choice. That's why EverBank created the non-FDIC insured Metals Select® accounts. Now you can purchase gold, silver, platinum and palladium on your own terms with pricing starting at $5,000 for unallocated accounts, and $7,500 for allocated accounts. Click here to see our smarter way to purchase metals plus view IMPORTANT DISCLOSURES. "I Scratch Your Back, You Scratch Mine." How Corporations Control the Government In the American stock market, it's an ugly truth that the performance of major stocks depends critically on who's in charge and who's advising whom. But the number of former lobbyists in government positions reveals an even uglier fact: Corporations control our government. But that doesn't mean you have to leave yourself and your assets vulnerable to a "banana republic." Ted reveals how you can save your assets from our increasingly corrupt country. |
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