

We've fixed the problem...

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Dear Investment U Reader,
Each year, we gather our favorite investment experts in the areas of equities, income, real estate, gold, alternative investments and more for our Annual Investment U Conference.
We challenge them to reveal their most urgent - and exclusive - moneymaking ideas.
I'm talking small companies poised for breakthrough announcements... mining discoveries that haven't hit the mainstream media... the little-known actions of corporate insiders, which we can use to our benefit legally... the list goes on.
Over the last 16 years, recommendations made at Investment U Conferences have led to returns of 303% on Wynn Resorts, 155% on E-House (China) Holdings, 84% on General Electric, 275% on Tiffany, 103% on Cerner Corp. and 129% on Millicom International.
But there's a problem...
We have over 80,000 Members. And only 300 or 400 get a chance to act on these recommendations because so many cannot travel to the event.
So we've fixed that problem.
Instead of you coming to our closed-door gathering in St. Petersburg, Florida, this year... we're coming to you.
It's all very simple.
Good investing,
Andrew Snyder
Editorial Director, The Oxford Club
P.S. This offer will expire at midnight on February 9. Find out more here.

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