

Wildly Undervalued. Big Dividend. Strong Earnings.

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Sunday, February 8, 2015
Dear Daily Grind Reader,
Every once in a while, I like to share with you some investment opportunities featured in The Oxford Club's Communiqué.
And today, something interesting came to my attention that you should know about...
It comes from The Oxford Club's Chief Investment Strategist Alexander Green.
He believes one Swiss company in particular will take off in 2015. As he says, the company thrives in the current economic environment.
Already, this company is quickly growing through new cash-generating clients like Alibaba and earnings are soaring into the triple digits.
Yet it's wildly undervalued...
The stock trades at less than book value and at only nine times forward earnings - a great deal cheaper than most U.S. stocks. And it pays a juicy 3% dividend for you yield seekers.
Simply put, it's primed for a major run-up this year.
You can find full details on Alex's top pick - and a complete look at what he expects this year - in his 2015 Investor's Forecast Issue of The Oxford Communiqué.
Just click on this link to see how you can get it right away.
Eric J. Fry
for Free Market Café

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