

5 potentially deadly body pains you should never ignore

5 potentially deadly body pains you should never ignore
Nearly everyone experiences a headache or leg cramp on occasion. Typically, these and other seemingly minor pains are waited out or treated with over-the-counter medicine. But when do these aches warrant a visit to the doctor's office, or even hospital?
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Tired? Dr. Nancy busts 3 myths about sleep
Will a glass of wine help you get some sleep? NBC's Dr. Nancy Snyderman has the answer and debunks other myths about sleep.
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9 ways to fake a great night's sleep after changing the clock
Daylight saving time is finally here to mark our slow and steady march toward spring. The only downside? Losing an hour of all-too precious sleep. Not to worry — we've gathered nine easy beauty tricks to help you fake fresh-faced restfulness.1. Go easy on the foundation:Always remember that less is more when it comes to using foundation.
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Run for TODAY: 3 apps to help you reach your running goals
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5 Mexican slow-cooker recipes for easy south-of-the-border-style suppers
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Quick and easy travel getaways to ease winter's chill
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What was funny on Facebook this week? These 12 parents will show you
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John Stamos visits 'Full House' home, fans don't notice in hilarious Instagram photo
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8-year-old sells hot cocoa to fight for his friend
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50 years later: Selma in their own words
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Quick and easy travel getaways to ease winter's chill
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