

Buffett Never Saw it Coming

This weekend, we bring you the  week's most popular stories from Energy and Capital and our sister site, Wealth Daily...
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This THRIVES off low oil prices

A new extraction technique is turning the American oil industry on its head...

Seeking Alpha calls it "the secret weapon that allows shale oil producers to sustain and even grow oil production at low prices."

And it could make some savvy investors 500% or more as it rejuvenates America's shale revolution.

Click here for the surprising details.

Buffett Never Saw it Coming
By Keith Kohl | Sunday, March 8th, 2015
Keith Kohl

This weekend, we bring you the week's most popular stories from Energy and Capital and our sister site, Wealth Daily...

Disruptive Technology Play: The Midas Supergroup Never Misses
When this elite investment group backs a company, you know millionaires are going to be made. And the technology it's touting now... the brainchild of Nikola Tesla... has been 100 years in the making.

Nigeria Loses $1.1 Billion Per Year on This: The Wild West in the U.S.?
Energy and Capital editor Alex Martinelli explains how Nigeria and the United States are struggling to rein in gas flaring by oil producers.

Blood-in-the-Streets Buy
Even though I am deeply ticked off by Vladimir Putin's reckless warmongering, I think it's time to buy a select few Russian stocks.

Warren Buffett's Biggest Mistake: He Never Saw it Coming
Known for his incredible foresight, the Oracle of Omaha failed to see the trend that would affect one of his biggest investments... and his oversight could hand you $738 per week.

Investing in Putin's Russia
After being the second-best performing stock market of 2015, the Russian stock market took a hit. Does this mean discount opportunities?

Easy Income with T-Bills
For a good dose of capital preservation, investors have historically turned to Treasury securities.


The Bakken's Secret Bonanza

While oil prices are in the gutter... this strange side effect has created the opportunity for ordinary investors to pocket millions.

Get the full story by clicking here now.

Saudi Arabia vs. North America: OPEC Implodes
Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl explains why the Saudis are hoping to take down more than just the United States in their latest oil price war.

A Secret Millionaire's Investment Strategy: How Betty Amassed $22 Million
You wouldn't know it by her lifestyle, but Betty had socked away $22 million by the time she died. This 2011 dispatch reveals how easily she did it...

Class Warfare is Here
The Occupy movement had it all wrong. It isn't the 1% or the major corporations keeping them from wealth; it's the federal government.

Oil Storage Companies are About to Explode: Tanks in Cushing are Nearly Full
Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl explains why oil prices may go down and how to make money from the impending storage crisis.

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The Bottom Line

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