

More Arrests In Killing Of Russian Opposition Leader Plus 4 More Stories

Your NPR stories for March 8, 2015
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More Arrests In Killing Of Russian Opposition Leader
A total of five individuals are being arraigned in a court in Moscow for last week's murder of Boris Nemtsov, a fierce critic of President Vladimir Putin.
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Clintons Face Scrutiny Ahead Of Hillary's Campaign Announcement
As the country awaits a decision on a possible 2016 presidential run, Hilary and former president Bill Clinton are forced to defend decisions involving donations and Hillary's email practices.
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MH370 Had Expired Battery On Black Box 'Pinger,' Report Says
It said the battery had expired 15 months prior to the Malaysia airliner's disappearance. The report also said there was no evidence the plane's crew acted abnormally ahead of the flight.
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Obama: 50 Years After 'Bloody Sunday,' March Is Not Yet Over
The president, speaking at an event in Selma, Ala., to commemorate the march, said "our union is not yet perfect. But we are getting closer."
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Boko Haram Reportedly Swears Allegiance To The Islamic State
The message purporting to be from the Nigerian extremist group was posted to Twitter pledging to follow the Caliph and to obey ISIS "in times of difficulty and prosperity."
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