It's time for health & science to trump sugar interests' misinformation. Stand Up for the Science on Sugar When it comes to our health, science must outweigh food industry efforts to twist facts and deny the science on sugar. Tell the federal government that the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans need to make an added sugar limit and label a reality. | ACTION ALERT It's Time for Health and Science to Trump Sugar Interests' Misinformation Dear UCS supporter, The sugar industry is at it again. The official recommendations on updating the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans were just released and they include a critical step forward in curbing the growing health problems of sugar overconsumption by recommending a limit and label on added sugar—a step the sugar industry is actively opposing. We know this is a public health common sense measure; the science clearly shows the link between overconsumption of sugar and increases in rates of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. In fact, the recommendation for the U.S. Departments of Agriculture (USDA) and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to both label and limit added sugar has come up before. But food industry has fought tooth and nail on this, employing their usual tactics: attack the science, spread misinformation, fund junk science, infiltrate academia, and influence policy. And we're seeing the same tactics again. The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee's decision to recommend limiting and labeling added sugar again—despite opposition from sugar interests—is already a small victory for science. But making the recommendation a reality requires your help. We need to combat the industry's efforts to push their profits over our public health and build a strong demand for HHS and USDA to follow the science. Sign the petition urging the USDA and HHS to follow the science-based recommendation to limit and label added sugar. We will hand deliver the message when we meet with them. Given how much the dietary guidelines shape future policy decisions and discussions on our food system, standing up for science is standing up for our health. I hope you'll join me.  Sincerely,
 Danielle Fox Outreach Coordinator Center for Science and Democracy Union of Concerned Scientists

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