

Why the dollar rally could finally "die" on April 28

Monday, March 30, 2015

Dear Investment U Reader,
I just finished reading a remarkable piece of research.
According to my friend and colleague George Rayburn, a massive disruption could hit America's money supply on April 28, 2015.
This $662 trillion event will transform the markets - and possibly human civilization.
It will impact everything from where you can spend your money to how much you can buy. It will impact the value of your home, your automobile, your 401(k) and your IRA. And it could even slash the value of your "safe" cash by 50% or more - very suddenly.
How you prepare for the coming shift will determine your lifestyle in retirement. It's that simple.
So please don't delay. Simply click here now for complete details - including how you can prepare in five simple steps.
Andrew Snyder
Editorial Director, The Oxford Club
P.S. This landmark event is just a few weeks away. The time to start preparing is RIGHT now. Even better, George has unearthed an unusual way to get very wealthy when it all goes down. Go here to see his free presentation right now.

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