

Just 1 day left


Help solve hunger! The Feeding America network feeds 46.5 million people each year.

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Feeding America Feeding America
Be one of our 100 new monthly donors and help us reach our goal!Be one of our 100 new monthly donors and help us reach our goal!

Dear Friend,

We are down to the wire and our goal of adding 100 new monthly donors is in sight.

We have just one day left and are only 43 new monthly gifts away from reaching the goal. Will you be the one that puts us across the finish line?

Remember, each month, every dollar you give can help secure and distribute 10 meals to people facing hunger. With your help, the Feeding America nationwide network of food banks can be more effective in keeping the shelves stocked all year long.

Make your monthly gift now and help us reach our goal!


Very truly yours,

Bob Aiken
Chief Executive Officer
Feeding America

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