

Nature News Daily: Gravity kills Schrödinger's cat; Ebola’s evolution; Happy memories to treat depression

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18th June 2015 

  Our pick of today's science stories

Happy memories. Boosting activity in neurons that have stored happy memories might help to treat depression — at least according to results in mice. (Nature news story; Nature paper)

Emissions drop. Was China's passion for renewables responsible for the stall in global carbon dioxide emissions last year? (New Scientist)

Quantum killer. Gravity can save Schrödinger's cat from its dead-and-alive limbo, say theorists. (Nature news story; Nature Physics paper)

Ebola evolution. Pregnancy may conceal signs of Ebola infection, according to reports from Liberia (CBC; NEJM paper). Scientists have now pieced together the evolution of the virus that has devastated West Africa, and it's possible that the outbreak could have been contained had Ebola been diagnosed just one month earlier (The Guardian; Nature paper).

Cloudy skies. The moon is surrounded by a permanent, lopsided, ever-changing dust cloud. (Washington Post; Nature paper)

Ministerial post. French scientists are happy with the appointment of Thierry Mandon as the country's new research minister. The post has been empty since Geneviève Fioraso stepped down three months ago. (Nature news story)

Dental work.400,000 year-old plaque dental plaque found on ancient teeth has revealed the earliest evidence of manmade pollution. (Forbes; Quaternary Journal paper)

Today's good read

It is the jewel of South Korea's medical service: a 1,900-bed hospital of steel and glass owned by the Samsung conglomerate. It is also where a 35-year-old man whose symptoms were misdiagnosed as pneumonia languished for three days in an overcrowded emergency room and hallway, where he coughed up sputum teeming with the Middle East respiratory syndrome virus and exposed dozens. Read more: South Korean hospital scrutinized in MERS outbreak in The New York Times.

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