

Nature Physics June Issue

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Nature Physics


June 2015 Volume 11, Issue 6

Research Highlights
News and Views

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Focus on Magnon spintronics
Although mostly based on electron charges, information processing technologies also make use of the electron spin. This Focus surveys the field of magnon spintronics, which harnesses quantized spin waves – magnons – as the carriers of spin currents.



Focus on Magnon spintronics
The next wave   p437
Spin waves look poised to make a splash in data processing.



Focus on Magnon spintronics
Reconfigurable magnonics heats up   pp438 - 441
Dirk Grundler
Coupling electromagnetic waves to mechanical waves has led to a remarkable miniaturization of wireless communication technologies. Now, spin waves could provide us with technologies that are small and reprogrammable.



SOC revisited   p442
Mark Buchanan

Research Highlights


Hit and flip | Know the ropes | Cell swell | Balancing act | When we were young

News and Views


Spin-orbit physics: Kitaev matter   pp444 - 445
Philipp Gegenwart and Simon Trebst
Spin-orbit entangled local moments in the iridate material Na2IrO3 are subject to strong exchange frustration, driving the system towards a spin-liquid phase with emergent fractional excitations.

See also: Letter by Hwan Chun et al. |

Supernovae: Searching for companions   pp445 - 446
Anthony L. Piro
New observations suggest that two highly debated mechanisms for type Ia supernovae — our standard distance 'candles' for astrophysical objects — may both be correct.

Non-equilibrium condensation: State of the game   pp446 - 448
Sebastian Diehl
Condensation usually describes a winner-takes-all phenomenon, in which a single state is macroscopically occupied. Game theory now reveals a mechanism for selecting an entire network of condensate states in a driven quantum system.

Excitons: Molecules in flatland   pp448 - 449
Wang Yao
Forming molecules from atoms is commonplace in dense atomic gases. But it now seems that some two-dimensional materials provide a suitable environment for creating complex molecular states from the hydrogen-like electron-hole pairs that form in semiconductors.

See also: Letter by You et al. |

Ten years of Nature Physics: Bound to be universal?   pp449 - 451
Cheng Chin and Yujun Wang
Three papers published in Nature Physics in 2009 revealed the intriguing three- and four-body bound states arising from the predictions by Vitaly Efimov nearly half a century ago. But some of these findings continue to puzzle the few-body physics community.

JOBS of the week
Associate Professor in theoretical quantum molecular physics 738420
Aarhus University
Professorship (W3) of Theoretical Physics (Succession of Prof. Blumen)
Universität Freiburg
Winton Advanced Research Fellowships in the Physics of Sustainability x 2 (fixed -term)
University of Cambridge
Postdoctoral Training Fellow: Theoretical Physics
The Francis Crick Institute
PhD Fellowship in Physics (Optical Nanoscopy)
Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia & Università di Genova
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International Symposium on Physics and Applications of Laser Dynamics (IS-PALD)
4th Nov - 6th Nov 2015
Metz, France
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Focus on Magnon spintronics
Magnon spintronics   pp453 - 461
A. V. Chumak, V. I. Vasyuchka, A. A. Serga and B. Hillebrands
Magnons provide a route for information-processing technologies that are free from charge-related dissipations. Advances in the manipulation of magnons, and the conversion to charge currents, bring magnon-based computing closer to realization.



Direct evidence for dominant bond-directional interactions in a honeycomb lattice iridate Na2IrO3   pp462 - 466
Sae Hwan Chun, Jong-Woo Kim, Jungho Kim, H. Zheng, Constantinos C. Stoumpos et al.
Honeycomb iridates have been proposed as experimental realizations of the Kitaev model. An X-ray scattering study presents evidence for bond-directional interactions in Na2IrO3, a key requirement to make the connection with Kitaev physics possible.

See also: News and Views by Gegenwart & Trebst |

Rotational state-changing cold collisions of hydroxyl ions with helium   pp467 - 470
Daniel Hauser, Seunghyun Lee, Fabio Carelli, Steffen Spieler, Olga Lakhmanskaya et al.
Understanding low-temperature molecular collisions is challenging, but using non-resonant photodetachment makes it possible to study the state-resolved dynamics of the inelastic collisions between hydroxyl ions and cold helium buffer gas.

Enhanced electron coherence in atomically thin Nb3SiTe6   pp471 - 476
J. Hu, X. Liu, C. L. Yue, J. Y. Liu, H. W. Zhu et al.
The effect of electron-phonon interactions on transport properties of 2D materials is unclear. Transport measurements on atomically thin Nb3SiTe6 crystals now show that reduced dimensionality results in the suppression of electron-phonon coupling.

Observation of biexcitons in monolayer WSe2   pp477 - 481
Yumeng You, Xiao-Xiao Zhang, Timothy C. Berkelbach, Mark S. Hybertsen, David R. Reichman et al.
Strong many-body Coulomb interactions allow for bound two- and three-body excitonic states to form in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides, but it is now shown that such interactions are strong enough to create four-body biexcitonic states.

See also: News and Views by Yao |

Bandgap opening in few-layered monoclinic MoTe2   pp482 - 486
Dong Hoon Keum, Suyeon Cho, Jung Ho Kim, Duk-Hyun Choe, Ha-Jun Sung et al.
Monoclinic transition metal dichalcogenides offer the possibility of topological quantum devices, but they are difficult to realize. One route may be through switching from the common hexagonal phase, for which a method is now shown.

Focus on Magnon spintronics
Optically reconfigurable magnetic materials   pp487 - 491
Marc Vogel, Andrii V. Chumak, Erik H. Waller, Thomas Langner, Vitaliy I. Vasyuchka et al.
The periodic modulation of the magnetic properties of magnonic crystals controls the flow of spin waves. An optical method is now shown that can produce such modulations by heating, which can be reprogrammed during operation.

Magnetic jam in the corona of the Sun   pp492 - 495
F. Chen, H. Peter, S. Bingert and M. C. M. Cheung
Simulations help reveal the complex relationship between the changing structure of the magnetic field lines and the plasma in the corona of the Sun, which is one hundred times hotter than the surface itself.



Role of transparency of platinum-ferromagnet interfaces in determining the intrinsic magnitude of the spin Hall effect   pp496 - 502
Weifeng Zhang, Wei Han, Xin Jiang, See-Hun Yang and Stuart S. P. Parkin
The spin Hall effect induces spin currents in nonmagnetic layers, which can control the magnetization of neighbouring ferromagnets. The transparency of the interface is shown to strongly influence the efficiency of such manipulation.

Interpreting attoclock measurements of tunnelling times   pp503 - 508
Lisa Torlina, Felipe Morales, Jivesh Kaushal, Igor Ivanov, Anatoli Kheifets et al.
Understanding the physical mechanisms of photon-atom interactions on ultrafast timescales is challenging, but a new theoretical framework enables the interpretation of attoclock experiments measuring tunnelling times in hydrogen.

Energy flow in quantum critical systems far from equilibrium   pp509 - 514
M. J. Bhaseen, Benjamin Doyon, Andrew Lucas and Koenraad Schalm
Gauge/gravity duality is normally reserved for the study of black holes, but it can be applied to the study of out-of-equilibrium quantum systems in arbitrary dimension.



Corrigendum: Observation of two-orbital spin-exchange interactions with ultracold SU(N)-symmetric fermions   p514
F. Scazza, C. Hofrichter, M. Höfer, P. C. De Groot, I. Bloch et al.



Undervoidable   p516
Ian Watson
The price of exploration.

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