

The absolute Best of the Best U.S. Silver Dollars—for as little as $49.95!

Investment U
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
At The Oxford Club (the publisher of Investment U), we’re always looking out for special opportunities we believe our valued Members and readers will want to see. Below is an message from one of our advertisers, GovMint.com.
$615 Silver Set Soars to $94,243!
Learn the simple secret behind incredible collector value
Dear Reader,
Right now, millions of people are scrambling to get their hands on brand new 2015 U.S. Silver Eagle dollars.  But what the vast majority of them don't realize is that they are actually for the wrong coin.
At its absolute highest levels of quality, American Silver Eagles can achieve incredible values – enough to turn a $615 set of coins into one currently valued at $94,243!
But the secret is quality. Savvy collectors always chase after the best of the best.
And the best of the best in American Silver Eagles are those certified in the absolute perfection grade of Mint State 70 (MS70) – the highest grade a coin can achieve.
Now, through this exclusive offer, subscribers are able to lock in their own absolutely flawless perfection-graded 2015 Silver Eagles – certified with the First Releases pedigree that collectors covet.  Read the full story here!
Bill Gale
P.S.  Don’t waste a moment, because the few elite coins which earn this perfection certification will disappear in a heartbeat.  Best of all, you can take advantage of this offer for as little as $49.95

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