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Monday, a draft of Pope Francis�s upcoming encyclical on global warming was leaked to the public, making clear his stance on the issue: fossil fuel consumption is the cause of climate change, and the entire world must act now to combat it. Already, that draft has caused at least one G.O.P. presidential candidate to speak out against the Pope, and will likely prompt other Catholic candidates to do the same. The final draft of the encyclical will be published on Thursday. The draft prompted former Florida governor Jeb Bush, a practicing Catholic who declared his candidacy on Monday, to rail against it during a speech in New Hampshire this past Tuesday. Via The New York Times: �I hope I�m not going to get castigated for saying this by my priest back home, but I don�t get economic policy from my bishops or my cardinals or my pope. And I�d like to see what he says as it relates to climate change and how that connects to these broader, deeper issues before I pass judgment. But I think religion ought to be about making us better as people and less about things that end up getting in the political realm.� The gist of this talking point�boiled down, quite simply, to �I�m not a scientist, and neither is the pope��has been used repeatedly by fellow candidates, specifically fellow Catholics Senator Marco Rubio and former senator Rick Santorum, to deny that human activity is the cause of climate change, and to argue that regulation of the fossil fuel industry is unnecessary. (Pope Francis actually received a technician�s degree in chemistry as a young man.) American conservatives have tussled with the Pope and the Church in the past, but, have, in recent decades, occasionally worked together as ideological allies. That philosophical alliance could evaporate this cycle. If governors Bobby Jindal and Chris Christie enter the race, at least a quarter of the field will be Catholic, and the party is ill-aligned with the church on multiple issues. Especially with a church led by Pope Francis, a Jesuit based out of the more liberal-leaning Latin American branches of Catholicism whose position on social issues has already placed him at odds with American Catholics. In something of a cosmic twist, the coastal, home states of Rubio, Christie, and Jindal would be first affected by rising sea levels.

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