

What Does Real-Time Communications Mean for the Telco? - WebRTC World


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In the realm of communications, we've long assumed that the traditional telco would always play a role. They allowed for the provision of real-time communications and dominated an industry for years. But advancements in technology over the last two decades especially have opened up a whole new world, driving trends, creating new channels and changing the face of the industry.
According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), more than 40,000 Americans will take their own lives this year. A real time communications (RTC) solution to combat the problem is going into clinical trials later this summer, tapping into the power of GENBAND Kandy to provide a 24x7 professional lifeline for at risk patients.

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It may sound a bit archaic, but when you think about it, the conference room quality speakerphone was the first real-time collaboration tool designed for business. Thus, it probably is no surprise that from its roots as the dominant player in the enterprise speakerphone systems market and then the video conferencing sector as well that Polycom would evolve into a supplier of a myriad of real-time collaboration solutions.
The hackathon was doubly successful. Not only did we see employees perpetuate a culture of innovation but also the Kandy platform's ease of use. The event stood as further evidence of GENBAND's constant state of progression and not-so-surprising ability to produce brilliant new ideas.

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