

What you need to know about Chris Christie

It's official, Lewis: New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is running for president.

Given how often he's accused of abusing power or mired in scandal, it's hard to imagine why Christie thinks anyone would vote for him -- but here's the thing, Lewis: He's betting that no one will remember by primary day.

Here's what you shouldn't forget about Chris Christie:
  • He gave massive tax breaks for corporations, all while New Jersey suffered nine credit downgrades
  • His state has the highest unemployment in the region
  • One of his aides has already pled guilty for his role in the Bridgegate scandal, and others are still under investigation
Become a Factivist, and we'll make sure you get the latest news and updates so you can tell your friends, family, and neighbors all about Christie and his fellow Republican candidates for president -- because oh goodness, there's so much more bad stuff:


Thanks for being part of the team, Lewis. More to come soon.

2016 DNC Factivists

Paid for by the Democratic National Committee, 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington DC 20003 and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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