

Just a single drop of blood...

This weekend, we bring you the  week's most popular stories from Energy and Capital and our sister site, Wealth Daily...
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Three 15,000%+ stock runs in a row

When one trailblazing investment collective secured three five-digit stock runs in a row, early investors reaped giant gains of 19,950%, 49,893%, and 67,350%.

Now this group has its hands on yet another game-changing technology, meaning it's once again poised to unleash a torrent of "retire now" stock market gains.

You can learn all about this trade — and set yourself up for the next five-digit winner — for free.

Just a single drop of blood...
By Keith Kohl | Saturday, July 4th, 2015
Keith Kohl

This weekend, we bring you the week's most popular stories from Energy and Capital and our sister site, Wealth Daily...

Obama's Pipeline Project: Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and George Soros are in
Obama's reason for vetoing the Keystone XL pipeline is not what you think... He has a different energy pipeline up his sleeve, and it's garnering attention from billionaires and foreign nations alike.

LNG Investing Guide 2015: One-Eighth of U.S. Gas Production Gone
Energy and Capital editor Alex Martinelli discusses the coming demand boost for natural gas.

Greece is Screwed!: 10 Ways to Protect Yourself from the Global Economic Crisis
Don't let central planners steal your wealth and prosperity.

A Disease-Testing Game Changer: Just a Single Drop of Blood...
A tiny biotech has developed a game-changing medical testing device that requires just a drop of blood to test for a host of deadly illnesses. Here's how it could bring you an 800% payday.

2017 Electric Car Investment Guide: Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA) Just Killed the Internal Combustion Engine
Electric vehicle technology is killing internal combustion, and Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA) is leading the way.

Why the "Smart" Money is Stupid: They Bought Greece... Again
The single-biggest reason people do stupid things is because they are absolutely convinced they are smart enough to pull it off. That's called hubris, and it never ends well.


Put Your Money Where Your Country Is

Right now, one company holds the key to a MASSIVE oil deposit right here in America...

For now, shares trade for around $1, but I can't see that lasting much longer.

You see, this company is sitting on a liquid gold mine that's bigger than five U.S. states combined.

Conservatively speaking, I'm predicting easy 700% gains here. But I'll warn you... the faster you move, the more you stand to make.

Check out the full scoop in this exclusive presentation.

Shale Technology: Why Tech Will Save Our Oil Boom
Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl explains to readers what it will take to drive our shale boom to the next level.

Warren Buffett's Disaster: Train Crash Sends Him Reeling
The Oracle of Omaha thought he struck gold with his $44 billion investment... but misfortune struck just four years later. But his blunder created a massive benefit for investors like you...

Russian Nukes on U.S. Soil: Inside U.S. Borders Since 1991
Over its 20-year lifespan, the Megatons to Megawatts program between the U.S. and Russia has accounted for up to 10% of the total energy used in the United States.

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The Bottom Line

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