

#GOPtbt: Debate Night

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#GOPtbt: Debate Night

The GOP's First Debate Will Showcase The Same Old, Tired Policies Of The Past

Tonight, after so much build-up, the opening bell will finally ring to begin a presidential race with a tremendous amount at stake. In a few minutes, the top ten Republican presidential candidates will take the stage for the first debate of the 2016 season. We know to expect that many of the candidates will adopt new rhetoric about concern for middle-class Americans. But the reality is that the policies they support are a throwback to the same, tired, conservative policies of the past.

Follow along with the debate on CAP Action social media and on the hashtag #GOPtbt.

Republican candidates will say they are on the side of working Americans, but don't support a raise in the federal minimum wage. They will claim they want to help the middle class prepare for a 21st century economy, but support tax policies that vastly favor the wealthiest and cuts to public education. These candidates — #TenMen – will purport to be on the side of women, but all would act to repeal a health care law that has extended essential protections to millions of women nationwide.

No matter what they say, here are a few reminders of the policies that really matter:

  • Investing in the middle class. The economy has grown faster under Democratic presidents than under GOP presidents. The US economy is enjoying a record 64 straight months of job growth. Trickle-down economic policies don't work. In fact, job growth was faster under the non-supply side era of the 1990s than it was under the supply-side eras of the 1980s or 2000s.
  • The ACA works. The Affordable Care Act has succeeded in bringing quality, affordable health insurance to 16.4 million Americans. And the ACA is here to stay—just a few months ago, the Supreme Court effectively ended all major legal challenges to the Affordable Care Act. But still Republican governors across the country have refused to expand Medicaid, leaving almost 4 million Americans in the coverage gap.
  • The Clean Power Plan is the path forward to a cleaner, safer, and healthier country. Climate change has an impact on every corner of the world – from public health and the environment, to national security and the economy – and 97 percent of climate scientists agree that humans are causing it. The Clean Power Plan is the greatest action on climate change being taken today, and will save hundreds of thousands of lives and cut dangerous carbon pollution, all while reducing electricity costs and creating energy efficiency jobs.
  • We need the Voting Rights Act. Today is the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Voting Rights Act. Until the Supreme Court crippled it, the VRA had been effective, necessary, and broadly supported. Expanding voting access is a no-brainer. Voter turnout in the United States is abominable, but laws that expand voter accessibility work.

BOTTOM LINE: Don't be fooled. But do be ready to fight back. Follow along on CAP Action's social media accounts and at the hashtag #GOPtbt for up-to-date analysis and fact-checking. And stay tuned after the debate for more instant analysis.

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