

NFV is making waves, providing real benefits

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October 5 - 8, 2015
Anaheim Convention Center
Anaheim, California

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New Focus: NFV

Network Function Virtualization (NFV) is one of the latest technologies making waves, and providing real benefits by making application and service delivery easier than before.

Find out how you can benefit by attending the dedicated NFV sessions at ITEXPO:

Dedicated Conference Sessions Include:

  • NFV 101: Why NFV is the Future of the Network
    Review the basics of NFV and the where the industry stands with regards to development, standards, and deployment.
  • Revenue Generation or Cost Savings: The truth of NFV
    How should service providers approach NFV? Is it an opportunity to save cost or increase revenue? While the two may seem similar, one has a finite limit, while the other can theoretically be extended much further.
  • Effective Delivery of Next-Generation Services and Apps with SDN and NFV
    Network transformation is not a new phenomenon for service providers. At each strategic juncture in the market they have had to evolve, change and grow to keep up with the demands of their subscribers.
  • Open Source in the Service Provider Network
    When developing new services/technologies, operators choose between open source approaches and proprietary approaches, with both having benefits depending on the requirements. Discuss where operators are using open source already and why, as well its role in the growth of NFV.
  • Scaling SDN & NFV
    One of the theoretical benefits of NFV is that it should be able to be scaled much more easily than hardware-based networks. The truth is, we can't be certain, since most current deployments are
    early-stage limited deployments, so how can operators be certain NFV and SDN are, in fact, scalable?
  • NFV Management and Orchestration
  • Agile Service Delivery in an IMS Network with NFV
    Discuss how operators can architect IMS with a cloud-based NFV approach for more agile service delivery.
  • Open NFV Update
    An update on the latest regarding the OpenNFV project.
  • Using SDN at the Provider Network Edge
    In a move to accelerate service agility and reduce costs, service providers and carriers are adopting software defined networking (SDN) for data center-to-data center applications. But a greater
    opportunity lies at the edge of the network, where white box SDN solutions can be used to deliver new services such as customer self-provisioning.
  • Future of Voice - Evolution Options in the NFV Era
    Take a pragmatic assessment of next gen voice evolution, including, chief challenges to NFV deployments, service agility, where do service providers really need to innovate, NFV and cloud deployment options, and next gen vendor/supplier requirements.
  • Maximizing the ROI of NFV/SDN
    There is no shortage of headline grabbing acronyms and terms - SDN, NFV, Cloud, SaaS, DevOps, etc.
    How are these things related, when might we see implementations, hurdles to implementation, and
    what are the benefits to both Service Providers and customers - and how do they all come together to help support an investment in NFV and SDN.


Visit ITEXPO or contact Frank Coppola at 203-852-6800 x131.


Contact Joe Fabiano at 203-852-6800 x132 or Maureen Gambino at 203-852-6800 x109. They will work with you to create a plan that will meet your budget and exceed your goals. 

*Conference Sessions & Speakers Subject To Change.

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