

These Adorable "Catfish" Were Almost Too Easy to Catch and more...


These Adorable "Catfish" Were Almost Too Easy to Catch and more...


This Mom Had a Most Excellent Amazon Review for a Skimpy Girl's Top


Mom here has a pretty great sense of humor. Either that, or she just really loves the excuse to put her cat in ridiculous people clothes.

Submitted by: (via Uproxx)

Tagged: reviews , fashion , parenting

Teacher Welcomes Back Students With Harry Potter Themed Classroom

Harry Potter,classroom,decorations,back to school

Oklahoma City school teacher, Stephanie Stephens really knew how to welcome her students, her entire classroom is Harry Potter themed. Focusing on things from The Sorcerer's Stone, Stephens will be making the entire school year as magical as Hogwarts for her eighth-grade special needs class. Just like Harry, Ron and Hermione, her class will earn points for each of their respective 'Houses'.

"Once the house points jar fills up they get a class reward. My students mean the world to me and I hope my enthusiasm for reading will transfer to each and every one of my kids."

Keep your fingers crossed for Hufflepuff. They deserve a win.

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Someone Free These Ducks From Their Metal Prison


One duck squeaky toy is annoying, but have you heard a whole army of them? They're clearly in pain! Someone help them!

Submitted by: (via kevin237)

Tagged: wtf , ducks , Video

10 Animals With Incredible, Sometimes Adorable Screams


The internet loves a good cute animal video, but you know what we love more than cute? Weird. To that end, we've assembled videos of ten different animals screaming their little lungs out. Sometimes it's cute, and sometimes I'm a little worried bathing cats really is animal cruelty, but either way I can't stop watching them:

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Tagged: screaming , list , Video , animals

Oh God, Yes!


Submitted by: (via LittleBastard)

Tagged: jesus , single , dating sites

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