

The Dawn of the Tesla Dad

Elon Musk with Tesla Model X
It's Too Good
Real Dads Drive Teslas
Why the Model X is the perfect family car. And why we won't be buying one.

Today's Top Stories

Number 1

How Your To-Do List Is Killing Your Productivity

If you put "read this article" on your to-do list, chances are you'll never actually do it. Read it now.

Number 2

iPhone Screens Made This Hidden Entrepreneur $7 Billion

Every time you've swiped the screen on a new iPhone or entered keystrokes on your Galaxy, you may have helped make Yeung Kin-man very rich.

Number 3

Conquering the Office Lunch, Using Chipotle's Playbook

Dig Inn has won over New York office workers with Chipotle's efficiency combined with a larger restaurant's variety. Can it scale?

Number 4

Want to Do Business in Cuba? All Roads Lead to Raúl Castro's Son-in-Law

Things are changing rapidly on the island, and people from around the world are eager to get in on the action. Wait until they meet their new partner.

Number 5

Imagining an Ad-Free Future

It'll never happen. But the terrifying specter has the ad and media industries buzzing—and planning for battle—at Advertising Week.

Scene 1, Take 1, Rolling, Geronimo!
GoPro Boot Camp Teaches You to Shoot Video While Jumping Out of a Plane
The camera maker wants to become a media company, and it's amassing an army of extreme athletes aspiring to YouTube stardom to help it make the switch.
GoPro boot camp

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