

Best-selling thriller from Rebecca Forester + Will’s Weekend Wrap-Up

Rebecca Forster — Hostile Witness
Rebecca Forster
Hostile Witness
When sixteen-year-old Hannah Sheraton is arrested for the murder of her step-grandfather, the chief justice of the California Supreme court, her distraught mother turns to her old college roommate, Josie Baylor-Bates, for help. Josie, once a hot-shot criminal defense attorney, left the fast track behind for a small practice in Hermosa Beach, California. But Hannah Sheraton intrigues her and, when the girl is charged as an adult, Josie cannot turn her back. But the deeper she digs the more Josie realizes that politics, the law and family relationships create a combustible and dangerous situation. When the horrible truth is uncovered it can save Hannah Sheraton or destroy them both.

Mysteries & Thrillers
Will's Weekend Wrap-Up: Sandra McCracken, MC Yogi, Emma Lee Toyoda, and Chantelle Oliver
Hey gang, nice to see you all again. Hope your weekend is already running strong and if not, well, I'm here to try and help. I've got some hymns for your heart, some hip-hop for your body, some quasi-vintage soul for your ears, and a hard-to-pin-down book to mess with your mind. I've actually been on the road away from home all week. So if anyone needs me, I'll be over herezzzz…. Alrighty, get into all the things! – WILL HODGE, NoiseTrade Music Editor/Community Manager
Sandra McCracken — Psalms: Bonus Edition
Sandra McCracken
Psalms: Bonus Edition
Sometimes a feature comes along on our site that just genuinely blows you away. Sandra McCracken's Psalms album has been in nearly constant rotation for me since its release this past April and the singer-songwriter-hymnist is currently offering the uncommonly enriching album in its entirety for a 30-day period. As if that were not enough to be sufficiently stoked about, McCracken has also included nine additional (and equally compelling) songs for this special bonus edition. Additionally, any and all tip proceeds will go to A Rocha, a faith-based environmental organization. Win-win-win all around!
MC Yogi — Yogi Rising Mixtape
MC Yogi
Yogi Rising Mixtape
While I wasn't familiar with MC Yogi prior to this release, I have really enjoyed this 2-track mixtape of ingenious samples, playful verses, and sound collages. Yogi Rising Mixtape is broken up into two volumes and I guarantee you'll hear at least one or two familiar samples or lines that will help to ease you into the rest of the project. The mixing and scratching of Sol Rising, who I think is a real unsung hero on this mixtape, bolsters MC Yogi's lines in a slick synergistic manner. Plus, the heavy-handed emphasis on 80s and 90s hip-hop samples really helps to drive home the festive atmosphere of this release.
Emma Lee Toyoda — Wine is in the Fridge (Demos)
Emma Lee Toyoda
Wine is in the Fridge (Demos)
Emma Lee Toyoda's welcoming voice resonates with a nicely nostalgic throwback vibe, while still being framed within fresh melodies and present-day production techniques. Wine is in the Fridge is an interesting little release that showcases four of Toyoda's songs in their embryonic demo form. With its tasty chordal changes and nice guitar-violin interplay, "Juxtapostion" is probably by favorite of the bunch so far.
Chantelle Oliver — Apocalypse The Memoir (eBook)
Chantelle Oliver
Apocalypse The Memoir (eBook)
What's not to be intrigued by when an author describes their books as: "Genre-busting horror memoir. Brutally true." Part adventure tale and part zombie horror, Chantelle Oliver's Apocalypse The Memoir runs a unique gamut of storytelling twists-and-turns to deliver a truly one-of-a-kind reading experience. If you're looking for the book you didn't know you were looking for, Apocalypse The Memoir might just be it.
When writer Will Hodge (@will_hodge) isn't a born-again hooligan only to be king again, you can find him running off at the keyboard about music, concerts, and vinyl at My So-Called Soundtrack

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