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Police said they were unable to confirm the cause of A spokesman for Humberside Police said A post mortem is to be undertaken follog the sad of the pilot of a light aircraft which landed safely at Humberside Airport yesterday evening The post mortem is likely to take place tomorrow afternoon The results of the examination will determine whether it is necessary to prepare a file for reference to the coroner He added the was not being treated as suspicious and said In accordance with the wishes of the family of the deceasedpolice will not be confirming the identity of the pilot nor releasing any video footage of the incident Policefire and ambulance crews were called to the North Lincolnshire airport after a distress call was made from the light aircraft at about BST Eyewitness saw sparks Two flying instructors were called in to advise the pengernamed only as Johnon how to bring the plane down and a RAF Sea King helicopter was scrambled to provide istance One of themRoy Murraysaid I think without any sort of talkdown he would have just gone into the ground and that would have been the end of it The penger and pilot were the only people on board the Cessna aircraftwhich had taken off from Sandtoft Airfield miles km away It is believed the two men had flown to Skegness and were returning to Sandtoft when the pilot collapsed Speaking at a press conference earlierMr Murray said the novice flyer did four circuits of the airport before landing at about He said The gentleman was called Johnthats all I knew We had to get him to do two to three circuits The last one was not very good so we told him to go round again and on the fourth one he managed it He did a beautiful landing in my opinion He was calm He was answering the calls I made to him quite professionally I would not be frightened to fly with him Eyewitnesses described seeing sparks as the plane landed Stuart Sykeswho saw the aircraft landsaid It came down with a bumpa bumpa bumphit the front end downI heard some crashing and its come to a halt Two incoming flights were delayed while the aircraft was removed from the runway Nothing short of phenomenal Ric Tomlinsona friend of the pilot and his pengertold BBC Radio Sheffield the penger was nothing short of a hero He said For somebody who is not a pilot but has been around airfields and been a penger on several occasions to take control is nothing short of phenomenal The man is nothing short of a hero Mr Tomlinsonhimself an amateur pilotsaid of the man who died was a very experienced pilot He added He had been flying for many years Only this week I was sat having a cup of tea and airfield banter with both men They were both very funny gentlemen to have a conversation with It is veryvery sad news Facebook paid corporation tax in Its most recent�Companies House filing�shows the company as making a pretax loss of m last yearbut the firm also paid its UK staff a total of m in share bonuses The share bonuses amount to on average per UK Facebook employee It means Facebooks UK corporation tax bill was less than the tax the average UK employee paid on their salary The average UK salary is on which employees pay a total of in income tax and national insurance contributions In JanuaryFacebook reported global fourthquarter profits�of m ma increase on the same period a year earlier Total profits for the year were bnalmost double its profit for Facebook said at the time that advertising revenue grew by to bnwith nearly of that coming from mobile ad sales The social networking giant says it now has active users each montha increase from a year ago The latest revelations will reignite the debate about how much UK corporation tax companies pay at a time when several multinational corporations are being investigated by the European Commission over the tax arrangements they have with European Union member states GoogleAmazona division of the Fiat motor company and Starbucks are all subject to the investigation and the European Commission has said it could widen its probe further
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