



Bike Stand Furniture

Posted: 27 Oct 2015 04:00 AM PDT

If you live in a small home, it can be a challenge to find a place to park your bicycle inside. The design studio Chol1 responded to this need by designing a wide array of household furniture that has build-in bike stands. The options include bookcases, desks, couches, and cabinets. They're all notched to hold your favorite ride.

-via Toxel

Horrifying Killer Snail Makeup Tutorial

Posted: 27 Oct 2015 03:00 AM PDT

These killer snails are no masks, but they are certainly more than makeup. The Swedish duo called ellimacs sfx, which is makeup artist Ellinor Rosander and photographer Macs Moser, go through all the steps of making a pretty model look disgusting for Halloween.

(YouTube link)

The results are truly disturbing. But the process of making it can be disturbing, too, because this is not something you’d just throw together at the last minute. These guys have some skills! -via The Daily Dot, where you’ll also find some simpler Halloween makeup tutorials.

The Circle of Vespas

Posted: 27 Oct 2015 02:00 AM PDT

Egyptian artist Moataz Nasr calls his installation Vacanze Romane, which translates into English as Roman Holidays. He displayed it in the Italian city of Pisa. One Piaggio Vespa joins another in an endless ride through an eternal city.

-via Messy Nessy Chic

Due to Their Intelligence, These Octopuses are Kept "Challenged"

Posted: 27 Oct 2015 01:00 AM PDT

YouTube Link

At San Francisco's California Academy of Sciences, the biologists at Steinhart Aquarium say that the octopuses there are at a level of intelligence that requires their brains to get a workout in order for them to be happy and fulfilled. This footage shows the ways trainers keep the animals challenged, using food-based toys, puzzles and other stimuli. Via Gizmodo

Should You Get a Cat or a Baby?

Posted: 27 Oct 2015 12:00 AM PDT

Which is a better household companion: a cat or a baby? Matthew Inman of The Oatmeal runs through the arguments, clearly favoring cats.

What he doesn’t mention is that babies don’t stay that way forever, as cats do. Eventually, babies become teenagers. That’s when the fun begins, right?

Nota bene: you can also get a dog.

Content warning: potty humor.

The Real Skeletons of Disneyland

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 11:00 PM PDT

Walt Disney himself supervised the design of the Pirates of the Caribbean attraction at Disneyland, and deliberately set out to make it the most spectacular ride ever. It was a major accomplishment that set the standard for experience-based theme park rides ever since. When it opened in 1967, the final cost was $15 million, as much as the rest of the park combined. But no other park ever recreated one of Disneyland’s details: the real skeletons.  

After creating such realistic mayhem, the design team was disappointed by "the faux skeletons of the period," which they found "just too unconvincing," reports former Disney producer Jason Surrell in his book Pirates of the Caribbean: From the Magic Kingdom to the Movies. So they hit up their friends at UCLA Medical Center and got some grisly props from the anatomy department. Eventually, as fake skeleton technology improved, "a new generation of Imagineers" replaced the real ones, which "were later returned to their countries of origin and given a proper burial," assures Surrell.

Or did they? The replacements were done gradually, and rumors still exist about the few skeletons or skulls that remain of the human type. Some people have even identified which ones they are. Read about them at Atlas Obscura.

(Image credit: Flickr user Anna Fox)

Pikachu Shadow - Let's Call It Foreshadowing

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 10:00 PM PDT

Pikachu Shadow by PsychoDelicia

Pika is so cute and tiny that it's easy to forget he has the potential to evolve into a larger, and much more powerful, pocket monster. But shadows never lie, and the bigger the shadow the bigger the potential trapped inside, waiting to bust out and grow large along with the eyes of those watching the evolution. So while you're crushing and squee-ing on Pikachu for being so cute remember there's a Raichu lurking around inside that little guy too!

Bring the power of geeky imagination to your wardrobe with this Pikachu Shadow t-shirt by PsychoDelicia, it's big time fun!

Visit PsychoDelicia's NeatoShop for more geek-tastic designs:

Umaru ChanWatamoteHappy

Feel Like A Sir

View more designs by PsychoDelicia | More Anime T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

Politicians Wearing Man Buns

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 10:00 PM PDT

Inspired by a Photoshopped image of Donald Trump wearing a man bun circulating the internet, the graphic design website Design Crowd invited people to Photoshop other politicians wearing man buns. Here's Vladimir Putin, the apparently perpetual president of Russia, by forum member lionx. You can find many others here, including Abraham Lincoln, Richard Nixon, Barack Obama, David Cameron, and Kim Jong-un.

-via Tastefully Offensive

A Far Out Collection Of Alien Themed Web Comics

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 09:00 PM PDT

(Comic Via jakelikesonions)

For every person who believes aliens actually exist there are ten thousand skeptics ready to tell the believer they're dead wrong because of things like atmospheric conditions, FTL technology and the Bible.

But extraterrestrials don't care whether we believe in them or not, and when they eventually appear on Earth things are bound to take a turn towards the totally far out, man.

(Comic Via Optipess)

While you're waiting for the xenomorphs to invade you should read some alien themed web comics, so your brain will stay nice and squishy for our alien overlords.

Read many more awesome alien themed web comics here

Boaterhome Launches Spectacularly

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 08:00 PM PDT

They're called boaterhomes. I use the plural form because, surprisingly, this isn't a one-on-a-kind vehicle. There are many of them. Like the saucer separation procedure in Star Trek: The Next Generation, a boaterhome drives to the shore, then detaches a fully functional cruising boat.

This particular model, the AutoBlog tells us, is a 1987 Watercraft Sports King that rides a 1986 Ford E-class van. All it needs is helicopter wings to offer a full menu of transportation options.

(Video Link)

-via Geekologie

A Killer Collection Of Homemade Weapons

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 07:00 PM PDT

Thanks to pop culture weapons are the first thing on everyone's mind when they think about survival during the end times, and that goes double for a zombie-related apocalyptic scenario.

But even though a biblical armageddon will never happen, and corpses will never rise from their graves to devour the living, people are preparing for an unknown future by making sure they're well armed.

If you're wondering what the weapons of that dark future might look like you should check out this gallery of Homemade Weapons with the tagline- when you can't buy a gun you can build one.

The only thing this gallery is missing is a link to info about each weapon, because some of those guns look too ridiculous to actually fire bullets!

See 37 Homemade Weapons here

Vietnam’s “Napalm Girl” Comes to America for Laser Treatments

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 06:00 PM PDT

On June 8, 1972, Nick Ut of the Associated Press photographed the napalm bombing of a Vietnamese village. 9-year old Kim Phuc, hit by the caustic gel, stripped her clothes off and fled in terror. Her expression of pain and horror became an iconic image of the Vietnam War.

Phuc grew up and traveled to Cuba. While her plane stopped for refueling in Canada, she defected. She later became a Canadian citizen and served as a UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador for Peace.

Now 52, Phuc has never fully recovered from the horrendous damage that napalm did to her body more than four decades ago. She recently traveled to Miami to visit a high-end dermatology clinic that can heal many of the scars that cover her body. The AP reports:

Late last month, Phuc, 52, began a series of laser treatments that her doctor, Jill Waibel of the Miami Dermatology and Laser Institute, says will smooth and soften the pale, thick scar tissue that ripples from her left hand up her arm, up her neck to her hairline and down almost all of her back.

Even more important to Phuc, Waibel says the treatments also will relieve the deep aches and pains that plague her to this day.

For this story, the AP assigned a photographer that Phuc already knew: Nick Ut, the man who first photographed her in 1972 and rescued her:

Ut remembers the girl screaming in Vietnamese, "Too hot! Too hot!" He put her in the AP van where she crouched on the floor, her burnt skin raw and peeling off her body as she sobbed, "I think I'm dying, too hot, too hot, I'm dying."

He took her to a hospital. Only then did he return to the Saigon bureau to file his photographs, including the one of Phuc on fire that would win the Pulitzer Prize.

New York’s Halloween Dog Parade

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 05:00 PM PDT

There were around 275 dogs entered into the 2015 Tompkins Square Halloween Dog Parade on Saturday. Many of them were accompanied by owners who dressed up to match their dog’s Halloween costumes. And there were winners.

The prize was won by some Dallas contestants who tapped into the Halloween spirit with a Day of the Dead-themed presentation that included two Chihuahuas and a Yorkshire terrier. Last year, a doggy version of Rose and Jack from the movie "Titanic" captured the title.

This year, there were all types of dinosaurs, perhaps capitalizing on the excitement generated by the recent release of the "Jurassic World" film, and dogs posing as an alligator, a dragon, a fisherman and characters from "The Wizard of Oz" and "The Flintstones." One dog, accompanied by a woman wearing a nun's habit, was dressed as Pope Francis.

See a gallery of 90 photos from the event at Gothamist. -via Fark

(Images credit: Scott Heins/Gothamist)

Kittify Transforms Your Text into Cat Puns

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 04:00 PM PDT

Don’t send that résumé off yet! First, run it through Kittify. This online application by Daniel Landry turns your words into a series of cat-themed puns and references. Here, for example, is the Gettysburg Address. You could also use the application to tweak a seductive love letter, an especially menacing death threat, or a simple shopping list.

Please leave comments—but first, run them through Kittify.

-via Incredible Things

What Will Humans Be Like In 1000 Years?

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 03:00 PM PDT

Humans are evolving, as they always have, it’s just too slow for one, two, or several generations to notice. But the things we do now affect how humans will change in the future. What will humans be like a thousand years from now?

(YouTube link)

We might not follow the natural selection path by reproduction and survival the way it’s been done for millions of years, but there will be changes nevertheless. The environment will have something to do with how we change. And what we do with technology will also affects what we become. Here’s an overview from AsapSCIENCE.  -via Geeks Are Sexy

Miss Navajo Beauty Pageant Contestants Must Butcher Sheep, Speak Navajo

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 02:00 PM PDT

(Photo: Donovan Shortey)

There she is, Miss Navajo. In 2012, Leandra Thomas, who is pictured above, won that coveted title. There's no swimsuit competition at this beauty pageant conducted by the Navajo Nation. Contestants wear traditional garb and have to demonstrate a facility with the language and essential skills. For example, Miss Navajo knows how to butcher a sheep properly. Laurel Morales wrote in 2012 for NPR:

One petite woman struggles to lift an enormous, slippery stomach out of her sheep. Judges circle and scrutinize.

Immediately after the women finish, they must answer impromptu questions in Navajo, like, "What are you supposed to do with the sheep's head?"

One contestant answers, "Wrap it in aluminum foil and put it on the fire."

The crowd boos in response because they don't like her answer — and because she switches to English. The event is intended to show whether these women can multitask, stay calm under pressure and most importantly, first-time contestant Wallitta Begay says, prove their understanding of Navajo customs.

-via Messy Nessy Chic

Cat Burglar Caught Red Pawed

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 01:00 PM PDT

YouTube Link

This sneaky Russian kitty was caught by his human on camera repeatedly attempting (and then finally succeeding in) stealing a stuffed animal tiger. Who can blame him? As it turned out, all he wanted was another cat friend with whom to wrestle. Awww! Via Tastefully Offensive

Grumpy The Hutt - Don't Pet Her Unless You Want To Lose An Arm...

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 12:00 PM PDT

Grumpy The Hutt by Chet Phillips

They say fame and fortune have changed that grumpy internet feline sensation, and that fame is a double edged saber. Unfortunately what they say is true, and even though that cat has more money than a Black Sun bookie and a legion of loyal followers she's blown up as big as a Hutt thanks to her all-you-can-eat goldfish habit. Her new Hutt physique has given her even more of an attitude, and now she deals with internet trolls by sending one of her star cat minions after them with orders to shoot to kill!

Light up geeky lives wherever you go with this Grumpy The Hutt t-shirt by Chet Phillips, it's the best tee to wear while you're waging war in the stars or simply watching cat videos online.

Visit Chet Phillips's Facebook fan page, official website, Twitter and Tumblr, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more delightfully geeky designs:

MST3K Attacks!GremlinsKaiju Baseball- GodzillaDarth Yoda

View more designs by Chet Phillips | More Funny T-shirts | New T-Shirts

Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama!

The "Steal Her Look" Meme Is All The Halloween Inspiration You'll Ever Need

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 12:00 PM PDT

(Image Link)

Some people (and quite a few pets) have a superb sense of style, seemingly born with an innate flair for fashion and a body made to wear clothes.

These fashion forward individuals are both real and imaginary, sometimes both at the same time, but unlike real people sporting real clothes the fictionally fashionable are hard to copy come Halloween.

It's like they got their clothes at some store nobody's ever heard of, in a city that doesn't really exist, so how's a Halloweenie supposed to cop their style?

(Image Link)

By checking out a bunch of Steal Her Look memes to see a piece-by-piece breakdown, that's how!

Say you want to dress up like that sexy pumpkin-headed dancer from the news, a guy with a timeless sense of style and all the right moves- you simply break it down like this:

(Image Link)

Now you're ready for a night of jack-o-lantern hijinks and freakdancin'!

See why Tumblr's "Steal Her Look" Meme Is All The Halloween Inspiration at BuzzFeed

Every Year, This Group of Friends Dresses in the Roles of One Famous Actor

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 11:00 AM PDT

This year, redditor aubra_cadabra and her friends chose Robin Williams. From left to right, you can find Williams's roles in Mrs. Doubtfire, Mork & Mindy, Jumanji, Popeye, Hook, Aladdin, and The Birdcage. This assembly won them Best Group Costume in a costume contest for the fourth year in a row.

In previous years, the group went as Johnny Depp, Jim Carrey, and Will Ferrell:

Johnny Depp in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Pirates of the Caribbean, Alice in Wonderland, Sweeney Todd, Cry Baby, Edward Scissorhands, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Jim Carrey in Mr. Popper's Penguins, Dumb and Dumber, The Cable Guy, The Mask, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Ace Ventura, and Batman Forever.

Will Ferrell in Elf, Blades of Glory, Zoolander, Anchorman, Night at the Roxbury, Semi Pro, and Talladega Nights.

Which actor should they do next  year?

-via Blame It on the Voices

Mark Werewahlfberg

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 10:00 AM PDT

Marky Mark was a shark in the last ADHD cartoon featuring the movie star. Now he’s a werewolf for Halloween!

(YouTube link)

Mark Werewahlfberg introduces us to all the iconic characters of the season, with plenty of almost-puns that you’ll have to supply the punchline for yourself.  -via Tastefully Offensive

Underappreciated Background Characters You See In Every Movie

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 09:30 AM PDT

Aside from repeating tropes, themes and plots, filmmakers also like to recycle background characters to ensure the human clutter behind the stars in every scene looks comfortably familiar to viewers.

This recycling and reuse of filler characters means your favorite background friends will be in every movie, like the steadfast shopper or the trucker who keeps on truckin' no matter what's happening on top of his truck.

Dorkly's JHALL brought six background characters into the spotlight with his illustrations, and once you've seen them all in cartoon form you'll be seeing them in every movie you watch!

See The 6 Underappreciated Characters In The Background Of Every Movie at Dorkly

Whodunit: Murder Works Overtime

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 09:00 AM PDT

The following is a Whodunit by Hy ConradThese mysteries are from The Little Giant® Book of Whodunits by Hy Conrad and Matt LaFleur. Can you solve the mystery before you read the solution?

(Image credit: Flickr user Neven Mrgan)

Roger Vail was having a bad day. First off, the advertising executive spilled coffee over the back of the roller chair in his redecorated office, resulting in a permanent stain. Then his computer went haywire. With his hard drive gone, Roger had to stay late to complete a report. And to top it off, while he was working late, he was shot three times in the back and killed.

When the cleaning woman entered Roger's office that night, she thought it was empty. The chair back faced her, a virtual wall of beige. Her expert eye quickly noticed the three tiny blemishes on the fabric, three little round holes. She came closer, rolling the chair away from the broken computer and toward the light. Roger Vail's corpse slumped forward, the holes in his back matching the bullet holes pumped into the chair.

Roger's death shocked his colleagues. "Everyone liked him," Joan Jackson sighed the next morning as she watered her flowers. "If there was a murder here, I would have expected . . ." She left it unfinished, piquing the curiosity of the interrogating officer. Blakemore Advertising, it turned out, was a hotbed of seething emotions.

Joan, for example, was having a feud with her creative partner, Elsa Gripper. Just the day before, the two of them had come to blows, resulting in Joan's dramatic black eye. And then there was Sammy Frick. On the very day of the murder, Sammy had loudly threatened to kill Orrie Kindale, the man who Sammy felt had cheated him out of a much-deserved promotion.

Orrie occupied the office right next to the victim's. He tried to make light of the company squabbles, but he was definitely nervous. "Tempers flare in the advertising world, but no one really means it." The executive rested his arm over the top of his chair, as if trying to hide the brown stain that poured down the tall chair back.

"Orrie knows more than he's saying," the homicide captain muttered. "I think I know what happened."

What does the captain think happened? Who killed Roger Vail?

Show Answer

The whodunit above was provided by American mystery fiction author Hy Conrad.

In addition to his work in mystery and crime puzzles, Hy was also one of the original writers for the groundbreaking TV series Monk.

Currently, Hy is working on mystery novel series "Abel Adventures" as well as the Monk series of novels, starting with Mr. Monk Helps Himself (published by Penguin, order from Amazon here)

Check out Hy's official website and Facebook page - and stay tuned for more whodunits puzzlers on Neatorama from the master of whodunit mysteries himself!

Rock that Avocado Body

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 08:30 AM PDT

That belly is just what you need to impress everyone at the Halloween party. Just wrap the cardboard cutout around you and you'll attract a lot of eyes. And don't let anyone tell you that you're out of shape. Avocados are very healthy.

-via reddit | Photo: unknown

Josh Sundquist’s 2015 Halloween Costume

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 08:00 AM PDT

Josh Sundquist is not only a Paralympic athlete, author, dancer, rapper, math nerd, and motivational speaker, he’s also quite well known for his distinctive Halloween costumes, which (almost) always incorporate the fact that he only has one leg. Now Sundquist, who recently got married, has unveiled his 2015 Halloween costume. He is IHOP. -via reddit

See more from Josh Sundquist.

Ten Of The Scariest Ways To Die

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 07:00 AM PDT

Death by fear is one of the most effective tropes in visual media, and despite the fact that dying from fear related shock is extremely rare people can't help but be mystified by the prospect of a heart stopping scare.

But it's far more common for a person to die while scared rather than dying from fear itself, and just thinking about a scenario where your worst fears come true and seal your fate is enough to make your pulse quicken.

Cheryl Eddy began a Superlist on io9 with descriptions of The 10 Scariest Ways To Die, which became a much more super list thanks to input from readers.

Here's my favorite entry from Cheryl's list:

7. Your nemesis doses you with a poison that slows your breathing and heartbeat to barely perceptible levels; everyone, including medical professionals, thinks you’ve kicked the bucket. At your funeral, which you’re able to fully witness in your immobilized state, your nemesis leans over your living corpse and whispers all of his or her plans to ruin the lives of all the grieving loved ones you’ve left behind. In a Quentin Tarantino movie, you’d be able to break your way out of the grave and get sweet revenge. But this is real life, and since you can’t die of a rage overdose, you slowly suffocate in the subterranean darkness of your coffin instead.

Read The 10 Scariest Ways To Die here

The World's First Kinetic Steampunk Bar Opens in Romania

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 06:00 AM PDT

YouTube Link

Romania's Enigma Café, with its impressive kinetic scuptures, is the design of The 6th Sense Interiors. Romanian designers Alexandru Tohotan and Zoltan Zelenyak, who also created The Submarine and Joben Bistro have, with this design, put forth something that's been creating worldwide buzz since pictures of it were first posted on Facebook.

The café features a giant moving clock, rotating wheels, metallic flowers opening up on the ceiling, a moving bird and a robot reminiscent of Giger.

Via Bored Panda | Images: The 6th Sense Interiors

Vampires on Bikini Beach

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 05:00 AM PDT

The following is an article from Uncle John’s All-Purpose Extra Strength Bathroom Reader.

With the single possible exception of Sherlock Holmes, film historian David Skal writes, “Dracula has been depicted in film more times than almost any fictional being.” Here’s a look at some of the more unusual vampire movies that have been made.

Haunted Cop Shop (1984)
“When vampires invade a meat-packing plant, the elite Monster Police Squad is brought in to stop them. When the squad botches the job, the Police Commissioner bumps them down to foot patrol until the vampires attack the county hospital. Impressive special effects.” (The Illustrated Vampire Movie Guide)

The full movie is available at YouTube, in Chinese with no subtitles.

Little Red Riding Hood and Tom Thumb vs. the Monsters (1960)
“Little Red Riding Hood and Tom Thumb fight a vampire and a witch in a haunted forest! One of three Hood movies made the same year in Mexico and shipped up here like clockwork in the mid-60s to warp the minds of little kids whose parents wanted to go Christmas shopping.” (The Psychotronic Encyclopedia of Film)

The full movie is available at YouTube.

Planet of the Vampires (1965)
“Some astronauts crash land on a strange planet where the undead kill the living, only to discover that the alien-possessed vampiric survivors are preparing to land on another alien world- Earth!” (The Essential Monster Movie Guide)

The full movie is available at YouTube.

The Devil Bat (1940)
“Bela Lugosi plays a crazed scientist who trains bats to kill at the scent of a certain perfume.” (Halliwell’s Film and Video Guide)

The full movie is available at YouTube.

Dracula Blows His Cool (1982)
“Three voluptuous models and their photographer restore an ancient castle and open a disco in it. The vampire lurking about the castle welcomes the party with his fangs.” (Video Hound’s Golden Movie Retriever 2001)

The full movie is available at YouTube, in German with no subtitles. Age restricted; contains nudity and sex.

(YouTube link)

Samson vs. the Vampire Women (1961)
“Sexy vampire women keep muscular males slaves on slabs in their atmospheric crypt. Santo the silver-masked Mexican wrestling hero (called Samson in the dubbed version) defeats them all.” (The Psychotronic Encyclopedia of Film)

Vampires on Bikini Beach (1988)
“Californians save their beach from undesirable vampires.” (Is there some other kind?) (The Illustrated Vampire Movie Guide)

Billy the Kid vs. Dracula (1965)
“The title says it all. Dracula travels to the Old West, anxious to put the bite on a pretty lady ranch owner. Her fiancé, the legendary Billy the Kid, steps in to save the girl from becoming a vampire herself. A classic.” (Video Hound’s Golden Movie Retriever)

The full movie is available at YouTube, in 6 parts starting here.

(YouTube link)

The Return of the Vampire (1943)
“Bela Lugosi plays Armand Tesla (basically Dracula under another name), who returns to claim a girl after ‘marking’ her when she was a child. But his assistant, the werewolf-with-a-heart, turns on him and drags him out into the sunlight, where he melts in spectacular fashion.” (Amazon Reviews)

Atom Age Vampire (1960)
“Badly dubbed Italian time waster with cheese-ball special effects and a tired premise. A mad professor restores the face of a scarred accident victim.” (Video Movie Guide)

The full movie is available at YouTube.

Haunted Cop Shop II (1986)
“This improved sequel to the 1984 original features non-stop action. The vampire creature is destroyed by the hero relieving himself into a swimming pool and completing an electrical circuit!”  (The Illustrated Vampire Movie Guide)

The full movie is available at YouTube, in six parts all in one playlist. This one has subtitles, in Chinese and English.

(YouTube link)

Blacula (1972)
“In 1815 in Transylvania, an African prince falls victim to Dracula. A hundred and fifty years later, his body is shipped to L.A. and accidentally revived. Jaded semi-spoof is notable chiefly as the first black horror film. The star’s performance is as stately as could be wished under the circumstances.” (Halliwell’s Film Guide)

For more about vampires in pop culture, see also:

Dracula: “I Vant to be a Star”

Bram Stoker's Dracula

The Lost Masterpiece

The Vampire Slayer

Coexistence of Vampires and Humans Is Possible: Proofs Based on Models Derived from Fiction, Television, and Film

The Granddaddy of Vampire Movies


The article above is reprinted with permission from Uncle John's All-Purpose Extra Strength Bathroom Reader. The 13th book in the series by the Bathroom Reader's Institute has 504 pages crammed with fun facts, including articles on the biggest movie bombs ever, the origin and unintended use of I.Q. test, and more.

Since 1988, the Bathroom Reader Institute had published a series of popular books containing irresistible bits of trivia and obscure yet fascinating facts. If you like Neatorama, you'll love the Bathroom Reader Institute's books - go ahead and check 'em out!

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