

Collect a 175% Gain on Every 15% Drop in the Dollar.

Energy & Resources Digest
Thursday, November 26, 2015

Collect a 175% Gain on Every 15% Drop in the Dollar

This is about as easy an investment call as you could get...
As you probably know, over the long term, the dollar moves in only one direction.
But in the short term, sometimes the dollar experiences rare strong periods.
We're in one right now:
However, NO strong dollar period has ever ended without a sharp and fast fall back down to Earth.
And we're coming up on that period now, according to one of the top currency experts Karim Rahemtulla.
Karim says he believes we should see a 30% drop in the dollar just to get back to normal:
So what should you do?
Karim says there are four financial steps you absolutely must take now. The first is a way you can collect 175% on every 15% drop in the dollar.
With the way the Fed is pumping money into the economy, I'd say that's about as easy a gain as you can get in these markets.
Karim explains everything going on and how to make these trades in his new video here.
Good investing,

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