

Forensic Accountant Issues Black Friday Warning about U.S. Banks

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Palm Beach Research Group
Forensic Accountant Warns:
Shut your bank account, use this instead
Claim your copy of this new book for FREE!
(Only while supplies last)

This may be the weirdest investment you ever see...
But it could let you retire tax-free
Dear Reader,
Former forensic accountant at America’s third-largest banking group, Tom Dyson has just written a new book that your banker is praying you’ll never read... 
It’s called: The 702(j) Retirement Plan: How to Fund Your Own Worry-Free, 100% Tax-Free Retirement.
And it details the findings from a 12-month investigation into President Ronald Reagan’s secret alternative "retirement income plan"... A strategy that’s unconnected to the government, yet may pay you almost two times more than Social Security... And unlike Social Security, it will never run out of money...
This book is not available on Amazon. You can’t buy it on eBay. And you’ll never see it in bookstores.
However, Tom has agreed to send a free preview copy to anyone with a U.S. mailing address who would like to read it. 
And if you’re one of the first 1,000 people to respond today, Tom won’t charge you a penny for the book. 
Here’s why you want to claim your free copy today...
  • On page 32, you’ll discover how you can use the same sneaky tricks the banks use to earn invisible, tax-free income (that the IRS can’t see or touch!)

  • On page 10, you’ll learn the safest place to store your cash in America today—not a bank, not a safe. Out of reach of the government, creditors, even a divorce suit

  • On page 8, you’ll discover why Vice President Joe Biden, presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, Senator John McCain, and at least 54 other elected officials have secretly shifted a portion of their wealth out of traditional banks and into this "702(j) Retirement Income Plan"... without telling the American public why we should do the same

  • On pages 108-115, you’ll read about the little-known IRS-approved method that may allow you to collect an extra $4,098 per month on top of any other income you may currently receive, starting right now, and continuing into your retirement. 

And that’s only the beginning of what you’ll see in this book!
Simply click here now, and be one of the first 1,000 to claim your free copy of The 702(j) Retirement Plan. (This book is not available anywhere else. Limited supply available.) 
Good investing,

Tim Mittelstaedt
Editorial Director, Palm Beach Research Group

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