Neatorama |
- For the People of Paris
- Less Appealing Seasonal Drinks
- Little Girl Wants to Sell Her Brother
- Jack and Oskar
- Heartfelt Pillows Made from the Shirts of Loved Ones
- Grin City - An Eden For Those Who Live In Sin
- Confused Coned Cats
- How Japan Remembers the Alamo
- R2D2 Jetliner
- Grumpy Little Girl Gets Cheered Up By Her Own Squeaky Shoes
- Coin-Op Cuisine: When the Future Tasted Like a Five-Cent Slice of Pie
- The 67-Year-Old Grindcore Phenomenon Known As The Grindmother
- Wildly Expensive Musical Instruments
- Actress Swears on <i>Sesame Street</i>, Elmo Stays in Character
- How Can We Feel When Someone Is Staring At Us?
- Every Year, This Turkey Farm Dyes Its Birds for the Holidays
- Megaton Deathclaws - A Team Known For Their Violent Outbursts
- Four Masked Bandits Caught in the Act
- Video Games Summarized In 140 Characters Or Less
- Eric’s First Flight
- Spread Some Holiday Cheer With These 25 Hilariously Geeky T-Shirts
- Shia LaBeouf Watches #All His Movies, Twitter Responds
- Jetpack Pilot Takes A Test Flight Around The Statue Of Liberty
Posted: 14 Nov 2015 04:00 AM PST
Our hearts go out to the people of Paris, France, as they deal with the consequences of multiple terrorist attacks on Friday. The death toll stands at 128 right now, and hundreds are injured. There were both shootings and bombings. For the first time since 1889, the lights of the Eiffel tower were turned off in mourning. The Guardian has a summary of the news. For ongoing details, you can tune into the France 24 newsfeed or see The Guardian’s liveblog. The world rallied around France in the aftermath of the attacks. Symbols of support came from all over. The most immediate and photogenic way of showing support was to light landmarks in the colors of the French flag: blue, white, and red. Australia: The Sydney Opera House
Australia: City Hall in Brisbane
Australia: The Adelaide Oval
Australia: The Story Bridge in Brisbane
New Zealand: The Sky Tower in Auckland
Brazil: Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janiero
UK: Wembley Stadium in London
Ireland: Dublin
France: The Basilica in Lourdes
Canada: The CN Tower in Toronto
Mexico: The Senate Building in Mexico City
USA: City Hall in San Francisco
USA: The Washington Capitals Hockey Game
USA: CenturyLink Field in Seattle
USA: Omni Hotel in Dallas
USA: The Empire State Building in New York
USA: The World Trade Center in New York
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Less Appealing Seasonal Drinks Posted: 14 Nov 2015 02:00 AM PST
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Little Girl Wants to Sell Her Brother Posted: 14 Nov 2015 12:00 AM PST The video starts out well and keeps getting more insane as it goes on. Rachel wants to sell her little brother because "something in him is wrong." She speculates that they could get a good price for him at the pet store and already has ideas of what she could buy with the money. Then Rachel lays out a complicated investment scheme that sounds like a combination of short selling and house flipping. Once she's explained that to dad, it's time to sell her brother on the idea. | ||||||||
Posted: 13 Nov 2015 11:00 PM PST An obituary in the Los Angeles Times brings us an extraordinary story of identical twins separated at birth. Jack Yufe passed away Monday at age 82. Jack and his identical twin Oskar Stohr were separated in infancy and grew up to lead lives that were in total opposition. It was a real-life version of The Parent Trap, without the humor.
Jack went to Israel as a teenager and joined the Israeli Navy. The twins finally met each other in 1954. It was awkward and they didn’t reunite again for 25 years. But the similarities between the two, who had been separated for their entire lives, was uncanny. Read the whole story at the L.A. Times. -via Fark | ||||||||
Heartfelt Pillows Made from the Shirts of Loved Ones Posted: 13 Nov 2015 10:00 PM PST Fabratastic is a small British company that offers unique pillows that are ideal for someone in mourning. Send its tailors a shirt belonging to a departed friend or relative, and they'll send it back as a pillow. Each one comes embroidered with a message to help you grieve, remember, and heal. The company has been flooded with orders, so it won't take any more until after Christmas. I'm not surprised. It's a wonderful service. -via Laughing Squid | ||||||||
Grin City - An Eden For Those Who Live In Sin Posted: 13 Nov 2015 09:00 PM PST Gotham had been going through some dark changes ever since the Bat had flown away to a greener cave, and those changes put a smile on the Joker's face. You see, the clown prince of crime loved living in sin, almost as much as he loved his hot little sidekick Harley Quinn, but the Bat was always interfering in their fun and that made the Joker a sad little sadist. Now that the Caped Crusader had moved on things in Gotham were growing more desperate by the minute as the Rogue's Gallery took back the streets... Put a smile on the faces of your fellow Batfans with this Grin City t-shirt by ClayGrahamArt, it's more fun than a barrel of penguins! Visit ClayGrahamArt's Facebook fan page, official website, Instagram, Twitter and Tumblr, then head on over to his NeatoShop for more geek-tastic designs:
Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama! | ||||||||
Posted: 13 Nov 2015 09:00 PM PST Kittens Bea and Arthur were fixed on the same day. They came home from the veterinarian’s clinic wearing their cones of shame. They were a bit bumfuzzled with their own cones and their sibling’s cone, too! The music adds the perfect touch to their kitten minuet. -via Tastefully Offensive | ||||||||
Posted: 13 Nov 2015 08:00 PM PST
Have you visited the Alamo? You won't be able to access the basement, but you can explore the beautifully preserved remains of the battle site, explained in rich detail by tour guides and signs.
Among the many memorials there is this unusual monument inscribed with classical Chinese script. It was placed there in 1914 by Shiga Shigetaka, a visiting Japanese scholar who wanted to express the admiration of the Japanese people for the gallant defenders of Texas liberty who fell there in 1836. Now how did that happen? How did people in Japan learn about the Alamo? Franz-Stefan Gady explains at The Diplomat. In the 1870s, American Civil War veteran William S. Clarke, formerly the colonel of a Massachusetts regiment of volunteers, taught at an agricultural college in Japan. Among other courses, he taught on military history. In it, he told the story of the Alamo to young student Shiga Shigeta.
Shigetaka felt moved by that story, especially its resemblance to a similar incident in Japanese history. In 1575, at the Battle of Nagashino, a small garrison withstood a siege by a massive enemy force until relief came from the famed general Oda Nobunaga. So Shigetaka began his poem with these words:
The determination of these brave foreigners so far away from Japan was familiar to Shigetaka and other people in Meiji Japan. Franz-Stefan Cady writes at The Diplomat:
-via Kevin D. Williamson | ||||||||
Posted: 13 Nov 2015 07:00 PM PST Japan's All Nippon Airways redecorated a Boeing 787 Dreamliner Star Wars-style to resemble our favorite droid, R2D2. Yesterday, it left Japan for the first time and landed in Singapore, where Reuters got to photograph the inside. Yes, the interior is just as Star Warsy, with luxury first-class seats that look like R2D2. The flight attendants even wear those colors! See the images at Mashable. All Nippon Airways, in conjunction with Lucasfilm, has plans for three other Star Wars planes. -via Uproxx | ||||||||
Grumpy Little Girl Gets Cheered Up By Her Own Squeaky Shoes Posted: 13 Nov 2015 06:00 PM PST Yerin is upset about . . . well, whatever it is toddlers get angry about, which is pretty much anything at random moments. But she can't stay that way. She has squeaky shoes. As she turns to avoid her father, her shoes squeak. They squeak so much that they squeak the orneriness right out of her! -via Tastefully Offensive | ||||||||
Coin-Op Cuisine: When the Future Tasted Like a Five-Cent Slice of Pie Posted: 13 Nov 2015 05:00 PM PST City dwellers of a certain age love to reminisce about the automats, which were restaurants that resembled vending machines. A wall of food awaited the diner, in cubbyholes with glass doors. You decided what you wanted to eat, slipped a nickel in the slot, and opened the door to pull out a sandwich, bowl of soup, side dish, or piece of pie. The most successful of these in the U.S. was Horn & Hardart, named for the two men who brought the automat idea to the U.S. from Germany.
Automats went through technical evolution as well as cultural evolution in the decades in which they flourished. But cost-cutting and innovations in other types of food service caused the automats to decline starting in the 1950s. The last automat in New York closed in 1991. But that was a long run, and you can read the fascinating story of Horn & Hardart’s automats at Collectors Weekly. | ||||||||
The 67-Year-Old Grindcore Phenomenon Known As The Grindmother Posted: 13 Nov 2015 04:00 PM PST First little kids started embracing the dark and brutal sounds of metal, and now seniors are out to prove you're never too old to melt faces, with one 67-year-old Canadian mother leading the charge. She calls herself The Grindmother, and she is supporting her son's musical career in the coolest way possible- by laying down some Grindcore vocals. Her son's band Corrupt Leaders allowed her to break into the Grindcore scene, but nowadays The Grindmother is striking out on her own, selling her solo track "Any Cost" on her Bandcamp page with more songs to come soon. Now that's my kind of retirement! -Via Dangerous Minds | ||||||||
Wildly Expensive Musical Instruments Posted: 13 Nov 2015 03:00 PM PST I have a few guitars for which I paid hundreds of dollars each, and I keep putting off selling them because it seems like such a hassle to get some of that worth back. Maybe if I wait a few hundred years, they’ll bring big bucks! That’s the case of some Stradivarius violins, which can bring millions of dollars, depending on their condition. Rarity and craftsmanship aren’t the only reasons that musical instruments become worth millions of dollars. Some were played by famous musicians or have highly sought-after autographs, while others were part of historical events, like the Crystal Piano. Heintzman and Co. Ltd., Beijing designed and constructed a nine foot concert grand specifically for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. Called the “Crystal Piano”, it was built for a performance which would be heard by millions of viewers around the world. Planned for use in the Opening Ceremony, it was played by Lang Lang, famous Chinese performing artist, who played an arrangement of the quintessential standard “Starlight”. The piano was auctioned and purchased by a private bid for $3.22 Read about the rest of the 10 Expensive Instruments That Joined the Million Dollar Club. | ||||||||
Actress Swears on <i>Sesame Street</i>, Elmo Stays in Character Posted: 13 Nov 2015 02:00 PM PST Julia Louis-Dreyfus, an actress most famous for her role on Seinfeld, once appeared on Sesame Street. While shooting a scene with Elmo and Zoe, Louis-Dreyfus flubbed a line. She swore in response. Elmo resplied immediately just as Elmo should. It's hilarious! Content warning: foul language. -via 22 Words | ||||||||
How Can We Feel When Someone Is Staring At Us? Posted: 13 Nov 2015 01:00 PM PST Have you ever had the feeling somebody was staring at you only to discover that you were right, as you awkwardly locked eyes with the starer and felt your skin crawl? That feeling has nothing to do with your latent psychic abilities manifesting themselves, it's actually just your brain responding to social cues and reacting to the power of the human gaze. According to an eye opening article from Psychology Today, the gaze is so important to us socially that our brains have developed a "gaze detection system" which can actually tell when someone is staring right at us:
-Via mental_floss | ||||||||
Every Year, This Turkey Farm Dyes Its Birds for the Holidays Posted: 13 Nov 2015 12:00 PM PST
Easter is almost upon us, so it's time to dye Easter Turkeys and get ready for the Thanksgiving Bunny to come down the chimney and give us presents! Wait, what holiday is it? You may get confused if you visit Gozzi's Turkey Farm in Guilford, Connecticut. Since 1940, Bill Gozzi and his relatives on this third-generation family farm have dyed their turkeys in vibrant, pastel colors. They've become a local attraction that is now gathering worldwide attention thanks to the internet. Lisa Flam reports for the Today show:
-via Oddity Central | ||||||||
Megaton Deathclaws - A Team Known For Their Violent Outbursts Posted: 13 Nov 2015 11:00 AM PST Megaton Deathclaws by adho1982 Megaton is trying to bring the tradition of organized sports back to the wasteland, but they need some kind of symbol for the future all-stars to rally around. Suggestions included a super mutant in a tutu, an NCR Ranger or a mole rat wearing a funny hat, but none of those ideas properly symbolized a team of powerful players. And then somebody suggested they call themselves the Deathclaws, on account of how many people from Megaton had been killed by the creatures, and the name stuck hard. Sure, there would be fallout from the fans of the funny, but that Deathclaw head sure looked good on their uniforms! Gear up for game day with this Megaton Deathclaws t-shirt by adho1982, it's more fashionable than a Pip-Boy and way more comfortable to wear than a suit of Brotherhood armor! Visit adho1982's NeatoShop for more geek-tastic designs:
Are you a professional illustrator or T-shirt designer? Let's chat! Sell your designs on the NeatoShop and get featured in front of tons of potential new fans on Neatorama! | ||||||||
Four Masked Bandits Caught in the Act Posted: 13 Nov 2015 11:00 AM PST There was a disturbance at an art gallery that led to an investigation. Four intruders were apprehended. A Facebook post by the Newport (Oregon) Police Department takes the burglary report to the next level.
“Squeaky Feets” found fame from the caper, and now has his own Facebook page. -via Huffington Post (Image credit: Newport Police Dept, Oregon) | ||||||||
Video Games Summarized In 140 Characters Or Less Posted: 13 Nov 2015 10:00 AM PST The stories found in video games can be long and complicated, like a series of novels being played out in real time, or short and sweet, like a punch to the face of a dastardly street tough. But, no matter the length of the game or depth of storyline, all video games can be succinctly described in a Tweet, meaning they can be summed up in 140 characters or less. Whether classic or modern, with a story that changed your life or simply full of mind numbing button mashing fun, it's usually pretty easy to describe why we like our favorite games. But coming up with a way to describe them in 140 characters or less without cheating might take a few playthroughs. See 37 Video Games Summarized In 140 Characters Or Less at Cracked (contains NSFW language) | ||||||||
Posted: 13 Nov 2015 09:00 AM PST Jason became friends with Eric at school. He found out that Eric always wanted to fly, but he was afraid of heights and had never been in an airplane. So… Jason surprised him with a last-minute plane ride. The resulting video is priceless. He did it right. I learned long ago that if someone is scared to try something they honestly want to do, don’t put it off. Don’t drag it out. That only gives them more time to worry about it. Just do it. That’s why I had all my radio trainees speak on-air the very first day, before they learned all the technical stuff. -via Viral Viral Videos | ||||||||
Spread Some Holiday Cheer With These 25 Hilariously Geeky T-Shirts Posted: 13 Nov 2015 08:00 AM PST Sometimes it's hard to get in to the holiday spirit, and cheer seems to be in short supply, but there's an easy way to turn those frowns upside down- a funny tee from the NeatoShop! Nothing puts a smile on people's faces quite like a NeatoShop t-shirt, and whether they're smiling because they think the design is awesome or because the shirt's statement made them LOL these tees make the world more fun! Whether you're looking for a holiday themed t-shirt sure to make people ho-ho-ho What'cha Want Santa by Dansmash Or just something funny to wear over your trunk You'll find something wonderful in the NeatoShop And giving a NeatoShop t-shirt is like giving someone years of good cheer Because every time they slip on the amazing shirt you bought them they'll smile And when they head out into the world they'll be spreading smiles wherever they go Kaiju Pedal Car by Chet Phillips Perpetuating the holiday cheer throughout the year These shirts sport silly designs that change lives Don't Feed This Shirt After Midnight by Punksthetic Designs that are sure to get people talking Because I Was Doing A Barrel Roll by ClayGrahamArt And garner the wearer lots of compliments Monster Ducookie by Hillary White These are shirts that make a statement Shirts that can put even the grumpiest Gus in a good mood Well, maybe not somebody as grumpy as Donald But NeatoShop t-shirts aren't for people like him, they're for people like you I Am A Person Who Drinks by JVZ Designs People who enjoy the fun and geeky side of life And someone who sees the holidays as a time to geek out in the most festive way possible First Order Christmas by DC Visual Arts There's guaranteed to be someone on your shopping list who would love a NeatoShop tee From that poor kid who always gets stuck with crappy clothes Ralphie's Gun Club by JRBERGER To your fun loving friend who's obsessed with work and princesses, in that order Sleepless Princess by cArxangel There's a tee for your blogger cousin who's always complaining about commenters Don't Read The Comments by Miski A shirt for the budding forest rangers in your family A Word From The Forestry Dept. by Gimetzco! There's even a shirt that perfectly sums up how your uncle feels about Santa Claus Santa Claus Is A Conspiracy Theory by Boggs Nicolas That's why you've gotta go with a gift that will make them smile Like an amazing, and amazingly funny, t-shirt from the NeatoShop! Holiday shopping doesn't have to be a pain, or result in frowns for both gift giver and recipient, because the NeatoShop has all the holiday cheer in clothing form you need! So cross off all the names on your list, and support the indie artists who create the clothing designs you crave, by shopping at the NeatoShop today! | ||||||||
Shia LaBeouf Watches #All His Movies, Twitter Responds Posted: 13 Nov 2015 07:00 AM PST
On Tuesday, eccentric actor Shia LaBeouf announced that, as "performance art," he would take over a theater at New York City's Angelika Film Center and watch as all 27 movies he's acted in were shown in reverse chronological order. The "art piece" was to be open to the public, free of charge. One bunch of people who paid close attention to the event was the so-called "Twitterverse." Some examples of their amusing reactions are above and below; see a collection of reaction tweets here. Tweets can be searched under hashtag #allmymovies.
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Jetpack Pilot Takes A Test Flight Around The Statue Of Liberty Posted: 13 Nov 2015 06:00 AM PST Back in the day we were told the Future would include jetpacks for all, but then the Future became our Present Day and we began to realize there would be no jetpacks after all, only Segway scooters and Uber rides. Those who can't help but feel like there's something missing from our 21st century lives will definitely have that feel confirmed by this high flying video from JetPack Aviation. JetPack Aviation CEO David Mayman wants to show us what our futuristic lives are missing- the JB-9 JetPack, which he calls "the first true jetpack". David's trip across the Hudson River look like a very fun ride, but he must have some crazy high level security clearance to be able to fly the JB-9 so close to the Statue Of Liberty! -Via Laughing Squid |
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