

Profit from the Biggest Data Heist of the Century

Rude Awakening
November 12, 2015
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Profit from the Biggest Data Heist of the Century

  • Hackers strike again
  • Leading an out-of-favor industry to big gains
  • Plus: How to protect your credit card info… and your portfolio

Greg Guenthner coming to you from Baltimore, MD...

Greg GuenthnerThe largest theft of customer data from a U.S. financial institution in history…

That's what the U.S. Attorney is calling last year's JP Morgan data breach. And now the court has charged three hackers with stealing the data of more than 100 million customers from JPM and other financial institutions.

"One of the biggest financial-data breaches in history was 'securities fraud on cyber steroids,'" Business Insider explains. "The defendants took a 'classic stock-fraud scheme' and brought it into cyberspace, U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara said at a Tuesday press conference."

What's terrifying is that so much data was compromised all at once. And that's not lost on the major firms that handle your personal data. Trust me—no corporate board wants its company to become the next big hack story.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Cybersecurity will be one of the most lucrative plays of the decade. That's because hundreds of millions of people are getting their personal data swiped. Remember, that could easily be you. No information is as secure as it seems and most corporations are way behind the curve when it comes to protecting your data. That's the reality of the digital world in which we now live…

You've already had quite a few opportunities to make dough on the cybersecurity stocks that stand to benefit from this trend. But you might have noticed that I haven't written about 'em in a couple of months. That's because these stocks aren't getting much love these days. In fact, most of my favorite cybersecurity plays are sporting some downright u-g-l-y charts.

Take a look:

Hacked to Bits

Despite its strong surge to begin the year, the PureFunds ISE Cybersecurity ETF (AMEX:HACK) has fallen woefully behind the major averages. You should also be familiar with industry leader Palo Alto Networks Inc. (NYSE: PANW) (we booked a 35% gain on our PANW trade back in the summer before these stocks started to slip). This play has also fallen out of favor with investors. It's down about 9% over the same timeframe.

The more speculative names in the land of cybersecurity are faring much worse. FireEye Inc. (NASDAQ:FEYE) is a stock we've traded for substantial gains before. Not anymore—at least no time soon. FEYE is down almost 60% since June.

With all of the news and activity in the industry, you would think cybersecurity stocks should be flying high. But they're not. Even the strongest trends can go through wild swings and corrections. And when this happens—as it inevitably will—your best strategy is to steer clear until you see strong signs that the storm is blowing over.

[Ed. Note: Send your feedback here: rude@agorafinancial.com - and follow me on Twitter: @GregGuenthner]

[ATTENTION SENIORS] Jim Rickards Update Video #2

Jim Rickards Vid

If you are over the age of 55 and have any money in the markets at all...

Then you need to watch this video from Jim Rickards.

It's super short (less than two minutes long) -- and contains everything you need to know about the recent market volatility.

Jim Rickards -- Market Update -- Video #2

Rude Numbers

When to Buy... When to Sell

buys a barrel of crude today. Oil can't get its act together. It's down another 1.5% this morning...


is the price of natural gas today. Somehow, natty is avoiding the commodity drubbing this morning. It's treading water on the day...


is where you'll find gold futures this morning. The yellow metal is slipping lower once again. It's down about $2 so far...


is the price of copper this morning. Copper has sunk to 6-year lows. It's down more than 2.2% in early trading...


marks the spot for S&P futures before the morning bell. Stocks are set to open in the red today...

Ignore At Your Own Peril

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