

Racists' new chosen religion

They're not worthy to wield the hammer.
White supremicists have a new favorite faith -- and it has ties to both Nazism and a hammer-wielding fellow named Thor. Donald Trump, trailing Ben Carson in the polls, is attacking the GOP front-runner with racist rhetoric. And, today in coal: the US and Japan are close to reaching a historic agreement that could limit investment in the cheapest, dirtiest forms of coal power. While coal's decline is good for the environment, it's bad for coal communities; Hillary Clinton has a proposal that might help.
The New Religion Of Choice For White Supremacists
On Monday, three Virginia men were charged with plotting to attack and bomb black churches and Jewish synagogues, reportedly with the goal of triggering a "race war" in the United States. Suspects Ronald Chaney and Robert Doyle, who FBI officials say are also plotting to kill a local jewelry dealer and rob an armored car, were outspoken white supremacists, bound by a common desire enact violence against Jews and African Americans. ...(read more)
Trump Unloads On Ben Carson In Wild Interview: Compares Him To Child Molester, Deploys Racist Tropes
This State Just Became The First To House All Its Homeless Veterans
Coal Is Dying, But Hillary Clinton Has A Plan To Save Coal Communities
Coal is dying. Pushed out by natural gas, improvements in renewable energy, or pressure from climate change regulation, the fact is that coal use has fallen 25 percent in the United States since 2005. ...(read more)
The U.S. And Japan Are Close To Reaching A Major Agreement On Coal
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