Column:Fellowships are the future 2 December 2015 Postdocs need a level of autonomy to get the best out of their position, say Viviane Callier and Jessica Polka.
Advertising Feature Spotlight: Japanese Battery Technologies 2 December 2015 Leading Japanese industries and universities discuss the landscape.
Blog: Taking control of your career as a female physicist 2 December 2015 The Institute of Physics recently held an event on 'Taking control of your career as a female physicist'. Naturejobs sent Jack Leeming to find out more.
Blog: The faculty series: Nobody rides for free 1 December 2015 Faculty need to learn how to add value to their institution when starting their first role, says John Tregoning.
Blog: Most read on Naturejobs: November 2015 30 November 2015 Career supervision, networking, women in science and more from Naturejobs in November 2015!
Podcast: Careers in science: Celebrate the failures 27 November 2015 The history and development of science is littered with failures, so early-career researchers should embrace, rather than be afraid of them.
Video: Career decisions: The role of the unconscious 26 November 2015 Julia Yates explored the role of the unconscious brain in career decision-making during the 2015 London Naturejobs Career Expo.
Feature:Mental health: The mindful way 25 November 2015 The art of mindfulness offers benefits not only for scientists' mental health, but also for their work performance
Q&A:Turning point: Jason Lunden 25 November 2015 A researcher who studies autism-like behaviour in mice takes inspiration from his own condition.
Blog:A science masterclass 24 November 2015 Young researchers discuss science and careers with Nobel laureates at the 2015 Lindau Nobel meeting.
Blog: The faculty series: Setting up your own lab 23 November 2015 Starting up a brand-new lab is a dream to many early-career researchers, but to make the most of it, they must be wise with their money.
Video: Phill Jones: From academia to publishing 20 November 2015 Phill Jones, keynote speaker at the 2015 London Naturejobs Career Expo, shares his career transition story.
The Geoffrey Beene Cancer Research Center at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Nature, Nature Cell Biology and Nature Reviews Cancer present: Cancer as an Evolving and Systemic Disease
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