

Browserling's webcomic now has 6 different subscription feeds - good coders code, great reuse

Browserling's webcomic now has 6 different subscription feeds - good coders code, great reuse

Browserling's webcomic now has 6 different subscription feeds

Posted: 26 Feb 2016 04:10 PM PST

What do I do when I'm tired of programming? I do some more programming! I just added 6 different subscription feed formats to Browserling's webcomic. They're Atom, RSS, JSON, Simple Plain XML, YAML and TXT.

https://lol.browserling.com/rss.xml (RSS)
https://lol.browserling.com/atom.xml (Atom)
https://lol.browserling.com/cartoons.json (JSON)
https://lol.browserling.com/cartoons.xml (Raw XML)
https://lol.browserling.com/cartoons.yaml (YAML)
https://lol.browserling.com/cartoons.txt (TXT)

And extra bonus. JSONP API:


Does this have any value? No. Was it a fun side project? Hell yes it was! Fun side projects is what makes you great at what you do. Now back again to main product work.

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