

How astronauts stay connected to family from space

The Brief February 27, 2016
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How Astronauts Stay Connected to Family From Space
See how astronaut Scott Kelly stays in touch with his loved ones from miles above the earth in the latest episode of TIME's A Year in Space

Chris Christie Endorses Donald Trump for President
The surprise endorsement was the latest sign Republicans are making their peace with the increasing likelihood that the nomination might be Trump's to lose

Exclusive: Pope Francis Met With the CEO of Instagram
Instagram's CEO and co-founder Kevin Systrom met with Pope Francis at the Vatican to discuss the power of images

Here's Who Will Win—and Should Win—at the Oscars
The 88th annual Academy Awards take place Sunday night, and TIME film critic Stephanie Zacharek has her predictions ready

Hillary Clinton Aims for Decisive Win in South Carolina
Hillary Clinton is courting black voters in a furious race to the finish line for Saturday's South Carolina primary, aiming for a blowout win against Bernie Sanders—who is already looking past the state to Super Tuesday

The Sentencing of a Toddler Shows How Out of Control Egypt Has Become
The three-year-old boy erroneously sentenced to jail is only the worst in a series of atrocities by Egypt's security officials

Shareholders Applaud Apple CEO in iPhone Fight With FBI
Apple CEO Tim Cook got a standing ovation at his first stockholder meeting since his company's epic clash with the FBI unfolded. He defended the company's unbending stand by saying: "These are the right things to do"

Abby Wambach: Equal Rights Shouldn't Be a Privilege
'I know what it feels like to be looked at differently'

How Guns on Campus Could Change What Texas Teaches
College professors and administrators across Texas are grappling with how to handle the state's controversial new campus-carry law, with some even suggesting instructors remove controversial content from their lessons to avoid riling up armed students

Surgeons Perform First Uterus Transplant in the U.S.
The first uterus transplant in the U.S. was performed this week by surgeons at the Cleveland Clinic, the hospital announced. The 26-year-old woman who received the transplant is in stable condition after the nine-hour operation

How to Come Up With a Budget You'll Actually Keep
Yes, it really is possible

Apparently Even Oprah Can't Save Weight Watchers
Weight Watchers sales declined rapidly in the last quarter, despite media celebrity Oprah Winfrey's investment and advertising campaign. The company reported a 21% drop in quarterly revenue down to $259.2 million


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