

Latest Update (Big News)

Energy & Resources Digest
Monday, February 1, 2016

Latest Update (Big News)

David FesslerI just received a new update on a story we've been tracking very closely.
It involves a company set to do something NO COMPANY has ever done in the history of our country.
It's been gearing up for this big moment for months.
And it's finally here.
The CEO of the company says at this point, the company anticipates "no issues in meeting all contractual targets and guaranteed completion dates."
That's darn good news, and here's why...
This company has already signed six contracts into place that will generate approximately $2.9 billion in new revenues every year.
These contracts go for 20 years out too.
And since the company currently has only $267 million in revenues... this represents a massive near 1,000% increase in sales.
It may just be the biggest growth story we see over the next few years.
And I doubt you'll ever have a chance to get in at a price anywhere near what you can get today.
That's why I suggest you check out the full story here very soon. There's only a few days left before this story goes nationwide.

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