

Nature Medicine Contents: February 2016 Volume 22 Number 2 pp 183 - 217

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Nature Medicine

The Vilcek Foundation congratulates the recipients of the 2016 Vilcek Prizes in Biomedical Science

Dan R. Littman (NYU School of Medicine) receives $100,000 Vilcek Prize Fernando Camargo (Boston Children's Hospital & Harvard University),
Roberta Capp (University of Colorado School of Medicine), and
Houra Merrikh (University of Washington School of Medicine) each win $50,000 Vilcek Prize for Creative Promise 

Click here for more information

February 2016 Volume 22, Issue 2

News and Views
Brief Communication

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Mitochondrial Medicine: Developing New Treatments for Mitochondrial Disease (4-6 May 2016) 

This conference will bring together world leaders in the field of translational mitochondrial medicine in an interactive programme designed to engage and inspire a new generation of mitochondrial researchers.

Deadlines: bursary: 2 March, abstract: 9 March, registration: 16 March
New! Nature Microbiology - First issue now published.

The first issue of Nature Microbiology is now published and free to access online! This new journal covers all aspects of microorganisms, be it their evolution, physiology and cell biology; their interactions with each other, with a host or with an environment; or their societal significance.
Ensure you stay up to date with future content by registering to receive the monthly e-alert.


An online-only, open access, multidisciplinary journal dedicated to publishing high-quality original research articles, reviews, editorials, commentaries, and hypothesis generating observations on all areas of breast cancer research.

Part of the Nature Partner Journals series, published in partnership with the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. 

Now open for submissions



A windfall for US biomedical science   p115
In December, the US government approved a $2 billion increase in the budget of the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) for the 2016 fiscal year. With that increase comes relief, optimism and the pressure to spend wisely.


News Feature

An eye to the future: Researchers debate best path for stem cell-derived therapies   pp116 - 119
Shraddha Chakradhar

News in Brief

Biomedical briefing   pp120 - 121

News Feature

Mutations as munitions: Neoantigen vaccines get a closer look as cancer treatment   pp122 - 124
Alla Katsnelson

An open access journal dedicated to highlighting the most important scientific advances in Parkinson's disease research, spanning the motor and non-motor disorders of Parkinson's disease.

Part of the Nature Partner Journals series, npj Parkinson's Disease is published in partnership with the Parkinson's Disease Foundation. 

Open for submissions

News & Views


Targeted stimulation of the spinal cord to restore locomotor activity   pp125 - 126
Arthur Prochazka
A new study has located 'hot spots' in the rat spinal cord that are associated with leg flexion and extension in rats. Electrical stimulation applied in an alternating pattern between these hot spots facilitated locomotion after the hindlimbs were paralyzed as a result of spinal cord injury (SCI).

See also: Article by Wenger et al. |

Oxidation and mitochondrial origin of NET DNA in the pathogenesis of lupus   pp126 - 127
Sylviane Muller and Marko Radic
A new study of the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) highlights the importance of mitochondria and mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the generation of neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) that have the enhanced potential to elicit interferon-induced gene expression.

See also: Article by Lood et al. |



Targeting EZH2 in cancer   pp128 - 134
Kimberly H Kim and Charles W M Roberts
Roberts and Kim discuss the mechanistic roles played by EZH2 in cancer as well as efforts to therapeutically target this epigenetic modifier.

Brief Communication


PD-1 immune checkpoint blockade reduces pathology and improves memory in mouse models of Alzheimer's disease   pp135 - 137
Kuti Baruch, Aleksandra Deczkowska, Neta Rosenzweig, Afroditi Tsitsou-Kampeli, Alaa Mohammad Sharif et al.
In Alzheimer's disease, PD-1 immune checkpoint blockade reduces pathology and improves memory in mice with established disease.



Spatiotemporal neuromodulation therapies engaging muscle synergies improve motor control after spinal cord injury   pp138 - 145
Nikolaus Wenger, Eduardo Martin Moraud, Jerome Gandar, Pavel Musienko, Marco Capogrosso et al.
Analysis of synergistic muscle activations during locomotion and anatomical tracing of muscle synergy representations in the rodent spinal cord guide the development of a new spinal implant for neuromodulation therapy. In multiple rodent models of spinal cord injury, spatiotemporal stimulation that mimics naturalistic muscle activation patterns promotes improved functional recovery over previously described continuous stimulation protocols.

See also: News and Views by Prochazka |

Neutrophil extracellular traps enriched in oxidized mitochondrial DNA are interferogenic and contribute to lupus-like disease   pp146 - 153
Christian Lood, Luz P Blanco, Monica M Purmalek, Carmelo Carmona-Rivera, Suk S De Ravin et al.
Lupus-like disease is driven by NETs enriched in mitochondrial DNA.

See also: News and Views by Muller & Radic |

Nature Medicine
JOBS of the week
PhD programs of the Faculty of Medicine Geneva
University of Geneva, Faculty of Medicine
PhD Students in Molecular Medicine & Bioinformatics
Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland (FIMM)
Postdoctoral Fellow, Biomedical Sciences
School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
Director of the Joint Translational Cardiovascular Institute
Queen Mary University of London and University College London
BIH Johanna Quandt Professorships
Stiftung Charit�
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2016 Scientific Conference - AACR Precision Medicine Series: Targeting the Vulnerabilities of Cancer
Miami, USA
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Targeting of the pulmonary capillary vascular niche promotes lung alveolar repair and ameliorates fibrosis   pp154 - 162
Zhongwei Cao, Raphael Lis, Michael Ginsberg, Deebly Chavez, Koji Shido et al.
Pulmonary fibrosis induced by repetitive chemical injury in mice involves cross talk among macrophages, endothelial cells and fibroblasts. Macrophages induce expression of the Notch ligand Jag1 in pulmonary capillary endothelial cells, leading to Notch pathway activation in perivascular fibroblasts and fibrosis.

Mitochondrial iron chelation ameliorates cigarette smoke-induced bronchitis and emphysema in mice   pp163 - 174
Suzanne M Cloonan, Kimberly Glass, Maria E Laucho-Contreras, Abhiram R Bhashyam, Morgan Cervo et al.
Reducing levels of mitochondrial iron by diet or pharmacological chelation ameliorates symptoms of cigarette smoke-induced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in mice.

CaMKII is a RIP3 substrate mediating ischemia- and oxidative stress-induced myocardial necroptosis   pp175 - 182
Ting Zhang, Yan Zhang, Mingyao Cui, Li Jin, Yimei Wang et al.
Myocardial injury induced by ischemia-reperfusion or doxorubicin leads to cardiomyocyte necroptosis via RIP3-mediated phosphorylation of CaMKII and opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore.

Apoptosis inhibitor of macrophage protein enhances intraluminal debris clearance and ameliorates acute kidney injury in mice   pp183 - 193
Satoko Arai, Kento Kitada, Tomoko Yamazaki, Ryosuke Takai, Xizhong Zhang et al.
A KIM-1-AIM interaction promotes clearance of cellular debris in renal tubules after acute kidney injury to improve disease outcome.



Blocking c-Met-mediated PARP1 phosphorylation enhances anti-tumor effects of PARP inhibitors   pp194 - 201
Yi Du, Hirohito Yamaguchi, Yongkun Wei, Jennifer L Hsu, Hung-Ling Wang et al.
c-Met binds to and phosphorylates PARP1 in cancer cells, thereby reducing PARP1 binding to a PARP inhibitor; c-Met and PARP inhibitor combination therapy shows improved efficacy in preclinical models of breast and lung cancer.

Kynurenine-3-monooxygenase inhibition prevents multiple organ failure in rodent models of acute pancreatitis   pp202 - 209
Damian J Mole, Scott P Webster, Iain Uings, Xiaozhong Zheng, Margaret Binnie et al.
Blocking the enzyme KMO with a small molecule reduces the levels of toxic tryptophan metabolites and reduces multiple extrapancreatic organ failure in a rat model of acute pancreatitis.

Killer lymphocytes use granulysin, perforin and granzymes to kill intracellular parasites   pp210 - 216
Farokh Dotiwala, Sachin Mulik, Rafael B Polidoro, James A Ansara, Barbara A Burleigh et al.
Judy Lieberman and colleagues show that intracellular parasites are eradicated by lymphocyte delivery of cytotoxic granule contents—perforin, granulysin and granzymes—into infected cells.



Corrigendum: KLF4-dependent phenotypic modulation of smooth muscle cells has a key role in atherosclerotic plaque pathogenesis   p217
Laura S Shankman, Delphine Gomez, Olga A Cherepanova, Morgan Salmon, Gabriel F Alencar et al.

Corrigendum: Metformin activates a duodenal Ampk-dependent pathway to lower hepatic glucose production in rats   p217
Frank A Duca, Clemence D Cote, Brittany A Rasmussen, Melika Zadeh-Tahmasebi, Guy A Rutter et al.



Erratum: Cardiac RKIP induces a beneficial [beta]-adrenoceptor-dependent positive inotropy   p217
Evelyn Schmid, Stefan Neef, Christopher Berlin, Angela Tomasovic, Katrin Kahlert et al.

Erratum: Snail1-induced partial epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition drives renal fibrosis in mice and can be targeted to reverse established disease.   p217
M Teresa Grande, Berta Sanchez-Laorden, Cristina Lopez-Blau, Cristina A De Frutos, Agnes Boutet et al.

Erratum: Genomic landscape of carcinogen-induced and genetically induced mouse skin squamous cell carcinoma   p217
Dany Nassar, Mathilde Latil, Bram Boeckx, Diether Lambrechts and Cedric Blanpain

Nature Conference on Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 

Presented by: State Key Laboratory of Ophthalmology | Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center | Sun Yat-sen University Nature Materials | Nature Reviews Materials

April 7-9, 2016 | Ocean Hotel, Guangzhou, China 
Register now!

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