

Lessons Men Can Learn From Women

When it comes to being healthy, women do a lot of things better. Their habits can teach guys plenty about food, alcohol, and more.
Trouble viewing this email? View as a Webpage Thursday, March 31, 2016
  Men's Health

Bobolink: Market updates and matzoh workshops!

Hi, just a reminder that you're receiving this email because you have expressed an interest in Bobolink Dairy & Bakehouse. Don't forget to add jonathan@cowsoutside.com to your address book so we'll be sure to land in your inbox!
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Baudolino, Drumm, and Jean-Louis - better and better...

Jonathan's original triumvirate:
Jean-Louis (back left), Drumm (back right), and Baudolino (front)

This week, the cheeses continue to be spectacular:

Cave-Aged Cheddar, Semi-firm Drumm, Semi-soft Drumm, Frolic, Jean Louis, and Gooey Baudolino.  Try a slice of any of these delights alongside some young greens lightly sauteed in Jonathan's cultured butter and a little garlic...

This week, we will attend the following markets:

Friday, 4/1:

Saturday, 4/2:

(this week, the Pleasantville market returns to Memorial Plaza for the rest of the season)

Sunday, 4/3:

(next market will be 4/17)

The 2016 Bobolink nursery, waiting for Mommy in the barnyard

The farm store, as always, is open MWThF 12-6, S&S 9-5
This weekend, we have  tours on Saturday and Sunday at 2

Don't forget to get your breads, butter, buttermilk, milk, cream, chocolate milk, custard, Emmer Pasta, and Pesto!

See you soon!

Passover is just around the corner!

Emmer matzoh has become a Bobolink tradition...we make the unleavened bread with Pennsylvania grown Emmer flour, and bake them in our single-chamber wood-fired oven.  They are delicious, and evocative of their Biblical origins, for sure.
At $1.50 each, they are far from being the "Bread of Affliction"!

"How do I get some?" you ask.  The best way is to reserve in advance.  The matzohs are pretty labor intensive, and it helps us plan if you pre-order here.  They can be shipped (we pack them carefully), picked up at the farm, or sent to one of our farmer's market locations.  We will bring some open stock to markets, but we highly recommend that you reserve to avoid disappointment.

We also offer Matzoh workshops, which are a great and creative way to prepare for the holiday with family and friends.  Please note that all family members must reserve a spot in the class...especially small children...we love them, and are happy to give them all of the attention they need to make their own matzot, but they must reserve a space!  The Matzoh workshops are timed around our regular farm tour at 2, and workshop participants may take the tour at no extra charge.

Please click here to pre-order your Emmer Matzoh.

Bobolink LLC | Jonathan & Nina White | info@cowsoutside.com | 908-864-7277
Bobolink Dairy & Bakehouse, 369 Stamets Road, Milford, NJ 08848
Sent by jonathan@cowsoutside.com in collaboration with
Constant Contact

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오라클 오픈월드 2015(Oracle OpenWorld 2015)가 미국 샌프란시스코에서 2015년 10월 25일부터 5일간 열렸습니다. 전세계 141개국 6만여명이 참석한 오라클 최대 규모 행사로 한국에서도 350여명의 고객이 참석하였습니다.

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지금 Oracle OpenWorld(OOW) 2015 현지 3분 동영상으로 생생한 현장감을 느껴보세요. 동영상에 설명된 6가지 Oracle Cloud의 Design Goal 특징을 들어보시고 우측의 2차 팝업 퀴즈를 풀어보세요. 아래 소개된 동영상을 보시면 옆의 오라클 클라우드 2차 팝업 퀴즈를 쉽게 풀어보실 수 있습니다. 지금 참여하세요. 추첨을 통해 무선 키보드 & 마우스 세트를 드립니다.

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[ 오라클 클라우드의 여섯 가지 특징 ]
하나. Cost(저비용): 가장 적은 구매 비용으로 총소유비용 (TCO)을 절감합니다.
둘. Reliability(신뢰성): 무중단 운영(Fault tolerant – No single point of failure)은 기본입니다.
셋. Performance(고성능): 가장 빠른 데이터베이스, 미들웨어, 애널리틱스를 제공합니다.
넷. Standards(표준화): SQL, Hadoop, NoSQL, Java, Ruby, Node.js, Linux, Docker 등 업계 표준을 준수합니다.
다섯. Compatibility(상호호환성): 온프레미스와 클라우드 사이의 용이한 통합과 연동을 지원합니다.
그리고 마지막으로, Security(보안성): 사이버 공격으로부터 Always-on 방어, 서비스 설계 과정에서 최우선 순위로 고려합니다.

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Updated version (v4.2.1) of Google Apps Directory Sync

Posted: 31 Mar 2016 12:02 PM PDT

A new version (v4.2.1) of Google Apps Directory Sync (GADS) is now available:

What's Fixed 

  • Fixed an issue where GADS wasn't updating the a user's primary organization value, when the primary organization previously existed but didn't originate from GADS. 
  • Fixed an issue where GADS wasn't saving the custom email address attribute defined in the license sync configuration. 

Check out the Help Center for more details and download the latest version of GADS.

Launch Details
Release track:
Launching to both Rapid release and Scheduled release

Rollout pace: 
Full rollout (1-3 days for feature visibility)

Admins only

Admin action required (download the latest version of GADS)

More Information 
GADS Overview
What's New in GADS

Note: all launches are applicable to all Google Apps editions unless otherwise noted

Launch release calendar
Launch detail categories
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